Just from listening through some crap pc speakers I'd say you need to turn the bass drum up by a dB or 2.

I wouldn't like to comment much more due to only listening through these speakers but the mix seems to lack a bit bottom end. This could be however just down to these speakers. If you bring the bass drums up this might also add some more weight to the mix. I think the guitars sound good and the vocals are killer, reminded me a lot of Gorerotted :headbang:
A tighter snare sound and a kick with some click would help allot.

Also, It sounds like the track is distorting which isn't too nice, Hopefully thats just bad mp3 encoding.

It's ok overall, just needs tweaking.
Marty (and the others that have posted so far on this), have you ever heard of a band called Intestinal Disgorge? Hit me back.

006 - nope, never heard of them.
The singer of this track is a big Gorerotted fan.
Cheers for all the comments.
The kick is the drummers own sample. It's quite ballsy, but i might make it a bit clickier to cut through.
How can I tighten up the snare sound?
Don't believe the track is distorting. Nothing mega loud before and after limiting.