

Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
Holy Cow! Did anybody else (Aja?) feel that earthquake just a couple minutes ago?? It was centered about 10 miles or so from my house and measured a 4.5. Set my ticker pumping I must say! Time for a rum and diet coke! :kickass:
YES!!! It was one of those jolt then rolling ones - kinda lasted a little longer than most - reminded me of a mini Northridge quake. I thought it was between a 4 or 5. You know you're a real Californian when you can accurately assess where on the Richter scale a quake would fall..... :p

Of course, like a real Californian, I just went back to what I was doing! :lol:
Ah yes .... the shaking Earth always puts the fear of God into me.

Fortunately, we don't get many of them up here.
Nope, didn't feel it down here in HB. I remember the Northridge quake, I was sleeping on my water bed and I felt it so I reached up to grab the lamp so it wouldn't fall over. When it stopped I just rolled over and went back to sleep.
That's one thing I don't miss about living in California!

When we had the big one in the Fort Lewis area a couple of years back in which the roads turned into waves and cars were bouncing up and down, I first thought that San Fran had a world record one and we were just getting the aftershock. I never suspected that Washington could have them. The first thing I did was call my folks and ask them if they were okay. Very dumbfounded, since they saw on the news that the epicenter of the quake was in my area, they asked me, "Are you okay?" :lol:
We had a small one here in SF about 3 weeks ago at 4:5 am.I survived the Loma Prieta quake of '89.That was a pretty heavy experience.I had just moved to SF 2 weeks prior & my former home towns of Warsonville & Santa Cruz got hit the hardest so I moved just in time!
DIET COKE RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

The proper stuff makes me want to puke!! :ill: Not that I've got any choice in the matter being diabetic but there you go!

Being that youre diabetic, I understand that you don't have a choice, but there needs to be a safer alternative...

This will really make you vomit: :puke:

NutraSweet (Aspartame) is composed of linkages of aspartic acid, phenylalanine and methanol. The aspartic acid acts as a neuroexcitatory agent. When NutraSweet is digested, it yields 10% methanol (wood alcohol). The wood alcohol (methanol) is widely distributed throughout the body including brain, muscle, fat and nervous tissue. It is then metabolized to FORMALDEHYDE which enters the cells and binds to the proteins and DNA (the genetic material).
Being that youre diabetic, I understand that you don't have a choice, but there needs to be a safer alternative...

This will really make you vomit: :puke:

NutraSweet (Aspartame) is composed of linkages of aspartic acid, phenylalanine and methanol. The aspartic acid acts as a neuroexcitatory agent. When NutraSweet is digested, it yields 10% methanol (wood alcohol). The wood alcohol (methanol) is widely distributed throughout the body including brain, muscle, fat and nervous tissue. It is then metabolized to FORMALDEHYDE which enters the cells and binds to the proteins and DNA (the genetic material).

I've heard all that kinda stuff before, everything kills you nowadays so I just enjoy it. I don't smoke or drink alcohol so this is my vice. :heh:
I thought we were having another little shaker yesterday - then realized it was going on an awfully long time. Come to find out the neighbors behind us are digging a pool or something in their backyard. So the house has been shaking and rattling since yesterday.

Even when you know what's going on it's funny how the mind can play tricks on you-there were a couple of jolts that felt so earthquake-like that I had to catch myself. It's like living in a constant state of panic! :ill: :puke: Can't wait til it's over!
I thought we were having another little shaker yesterday - then realized it was going on an awfully long time. Come to find out the neighbors behind us are digging a pool or something in their backyard. So the house has been shaking and rattling since yesterday.

Even when you know what's going on it's funny how the mind can play tricks on you-there were a couple of jolts that felt so earthquake-like that I had to catch myself. It's like living in a constant state of panic! :ill: :puke: Can't wait til it's over!

I'm familiar with that. While I like that our bodies don't give in the our mind's b.s., I do occasionally wish there were times when our minds could do an override.
As a housepainter, there are occasional days where the majority of my time is spent on a ladder. And sometimes the ladder is in a position where although in no danger of falling or tipping whatsoever, is a little shaky. On those days my feet and calves are always quite sorw by the end because even though I know intellectually that the ladder is perfectly safe, my bosy senses the shakiness as danger and my feet and calves tense as if the ground themselves.:erk: :loco:
I'm familiar with that. While I like that our bodies don't give in the our mind's b.s., I do occasionally wish there were times when our minds could do an override.
As a housepainter, there are occasional days where the majority of my time is spent on a ladder. And sometimes the ladder is in a position where although in no danger of falling or tipping whatsoever, is a little shaky. On those days my feet and calves are always quite sorw by the end because even though I know intellectually that the ladder is perfectly safe, my bosy senses the shakiness as danger and my feet and calves tense as if the ground themselves.:erk: :loco:

I know whatcha mean - I was pretty cranky by the end of the day - it was really unnerving!

But I guess it's all dug up now - my house is back to its normal peaceful vibe and so am I! :)
glad to hear it aja! now maybe you'll be able to get more than an hour's sleep before saturday's show-unless you volunteer to double up again!