the Maidens at the Grail


Mar 12, 2004
What a great St. Paddys day gig ... from what I can remember of it? :kickass:

Truly a pleasure to see the Gals again, and chat them up a bit. We don't get this caliber of music around here often, so for me it was an extra special treat. I'm not sure if this redneck community fully appreciates Metal music yet, but the massive migration northward will undoubtedly improve the draw and impact of good solid music and musicians. Y'all come back, hear?

Aja is formidable as a front and singer, friendly, outgoing and powerful. :cool: Bruce is a hard act to mimic, Aja does not disappoint. :headbang:

Linda continues to amaze me on the tubs, I keep wondering how such a little thing can bring Nicko's thunderous rythmns to live performance. :hotjump:

Sara seemingly glides thru Daves beautiful arpeggios, while exuding manic energy and projecting an endless smile fondly reminiscent of dear ol' Davey. :wave:

Heather (hmmm ... H?) completely nailed Adrians' complex leads and hooks. :worship: She understands the intensity and detail of H's work and that every note has a specific place and feel.

... and certainly not least, Wanda's performance and mastery of Steves' complex basslines holds it all together ... and dear God, I love spandex! :p

My only complaint was that there was NO VENTILATION in the building, and it was beyond smoky. I was loaded on meds (Oh yes, and Alcohol) , else I would never have survived it. I was completely hoarse by the end of the show, mostly from a lot a cheering and yelling ... it's all good. :zombie: I was unable to make a fist most of yesterday, but I'm feeling much better today. :D It must have been something I ate or drank .... or both.:lol:

I hope you gals enjoyed us and your time in the Inland Empire.
I believe I saw a camera or 2. I drove 2 hours to see them on Fri then I turned around and drove 5 hours to see them on Sat then another close to 3 hours back home. the Maidens :headbang:

oh ya, if you were at the Grail I was center to stage left right up front :p
There was a Videocam set up in back, and I vaguely remember someone adjusting something on it ... so yes, it was recorded.

If so, you'll see some Ol' fat Bastard with giant Maiden patch on a jean jacket ... thanks again Ryan.:headbang:

I resurrected my old MBD nick for my grand entrance ... I hope this doesn't confuse as many people as I think I am. :loco:
My only complaint was that there was NO VENTILATION in the building, and it was beyond smoky. I was loaded on meds (Oh yes, and Alcohol) , else I would never have survived it.

Uh oh, Linda you OK?

Jeff, were you at the Algona gig photographing it? I saw some guy in all black with a nice camera shooting the gig, and for some reason I kept thinking that guy was you, but I'm not sure since I've never met you.

He he.. that would be me :headbang: I flew over Thursday and stayed with Pamela Moore's (Queensryche) sister Aury, then did a photo shoot for Michael Wilton then a brief shoot of a guy's $250,000 motorcycle designed around a stainless steel casting of a human skeleton. Then it was over to the gig. It's was so good to see the gals again and Metal Lord (my old college room mate). Then I cheated and hopped a plane the next day with the gals to come back home for the Grail show. Getting too old and lazy to drive :lol:

Yeah, there will be pictures soon I hope. Between 5 photo shoots over 2 days I have about 2,000 pics that need attention.

As always, excellent shows and Heather's playing and showmanship takes the band to a whole new level!
loved the tall pines of idaho - i'm making plans to come back to visit the dunes in the summer cuz glamis is too hot for riding then. oh yeah, and the show was fun too! met lots of cool people who love iron maiden :wave: thanks for having us!
Jeff, were you at the Algona gig photographing it? I saw some guy in all black with a nice camera shooting the gig, and for some reason I kept thinking that guy was you, but I'm not sure since I've never met you.

No, I've only been to So Cal shows [in 5 different counties], but had someone told me in advance that the last New Year's Eve show they did [2003/2004] was going to be the final show of the 2nd line up, I might have made the long drive to AZ to see it.
Hey there Swan! It was great to meet ya in person finally and thanks for ALL the support! :cool:

Great place there in Couer D'Alene and so lovely there, too. Wish we'd had time to enjoy it. Maybe next time......

Stone, you were a total trooper - couldn't believe you made that drive!!!!
Hope ya got a couple of winks in before heading back home! :headbang:
Jeff, yes your record would be in some heavy danger I could practically guarantee it. These women ROCK! I don't think I could get tired of seeing them live.

And yes Aja, winks were gotten, thank you.