Maidens at Barracuda


Jun 27, 2004
The ladies really shined up on stage at the Barracuda in Portland. Me and my wife really enjoyed the show. We missed the early part :( but were able to make just in time for Killers :) I was amazed at how well you guys played together as a were right on for most of the songs except maybe a bit off on Phantom of the opera. Both me and wife were in awe at Linda's're awesome!! I wanted the guitar pick Sara threw into the audience but was off to the side and couldn't get it :( All of you ladies kicked ass on the guitars. I din't get to see Jojo very closely cuz we were on Sara's side. Sara had some trouble midway with her setup but came back and kicked ass. I was in awe of Wanda, Wanda's guitar and her ability to play wife was too lol. Aja's vocals were terrific and I really loved the intro's Aja did of all the band members. esp' the Bruceleechickinson kick in the air part :)
Overall a very very entertaining and awesome show. We really hope to see you again. And thanks for the autographed poster and a kick ass tshirt which I am already wearin to promote the Maidens whenever I can :)

Portland was amazing!!! Nice meeting you Tijan! Jennifer Batten was in the house and loved the show! Dax -Thanks for the help and the laughs! You are a funny funny and a baaaaaad man!!! hee hee hee! Thanks for the shots!
thank you dax and tijan \m/ hope to be back soon :)
yeah, it was kewl meeting jennifer who inspired me to play and get into jeff beck. that ruled :Spin:
Doodoobubbachuck said:
Portland was amazing!!! Nice meeting you Tijan! Jennifer Batten was in the house and loved the show! Dax -Thanks for the help and the laughs! You are a funny funny and a baaaaaad man!!! hee hee hee! Thanks for the shots!
:hypno: Next time I promise no shots on the job! And no bottle caps with the choppers!:grin: