East Coast Tour PLZZZ


New Metal Member
Jan 9, 2014
Any plans or possibility for The Iron Maidens to get over to this side of the US in 2014? East side that is :P

Perhaps Cleveland's House of Blues???? !!!!!
If you really wish to make this happen - I suggest visiting clubs in your surrounding area and talking to owners/bookers to sell them on the idea of bringin TIMS to the area.

Get 3-4 club owners all interested, and now TIMS management can contact them to help have them all pitch in and arrange a tour of that area. Perhaps give you some benefit in return.

As a sales person - here's some tips I can give you: Always focus on the benefits/not the details.

Benefits include: a great band that will people in your area will enjoy, beautiful females rockin' out on your stage, great publicity, great promo shots, make some good money by bringing girls back regularly, bring brand new fans to your club, enjoyment of bringing a fantastic band that so many are wishing for, IM maidens love to drink so great revenue for your bar, etc.

Then you can add in details afterwards. People are very visual. Show up with 8x10's of the band to give them. Even if they're kinda interested, let TIMS management call and sell them further. When you come prepared and do your homework - it's harder for people to say no.

3-4 clubs scattered over a state sharing in the cost can finance a trip. The main cost is always having their travel costs covered.

There are some promoters who book multiple clubs. Try to learn who they are. We are not from that area, however people like you can do the best job at promoting TIMS there. gl.