East St. Louis Show- adventure!


Ok, so everyone here knows I like CoB but I am in no way obcessed like my lesser (WAYYYYY lesser and shorter too) half, Wifey.

So, she knows a couple of russians who love COB. Anyway, we end up in the VIP room of Pop's directly after COB's set ends- we just walk in. I yell, "HEYYYY what's up Alexi" (we all met in December afterall in this very same VIP room) and he comes right over and starts chatting with us. Russian girl has a folder full of stuff for him to sign- right away he gives Jeanne a beer and I, the designated lighter of cigarrettes for the tour, lights her cigarrette. I get the lighter taken away after melting the nylon on Pop's chairs a little. Alexi apologizes he has no cigarettes to givve me. Ah well. So we're up there watching the show from the balcony- they are all drinking and I've got my gay water- I dubbed the bottled water gay water in december since the wrapping is a purple scenic fluffy animal picture. Security man comes up, takes a look at Russian boy, asks him if he's with the band- he's got X's on his hands to mark he's a minor and can't drink.

He of course, lies and says he is. The guy comes up to us girls and tells use he should kick us out for drinking. I mean, don't we look like roadies? :D we are led downstairs by the stage where we have to stay- A few minutes later, Alexi follows and is besieged by fans asking for his autograph and pictures. A couple of guys do the Wayne and Garth "we're not worthy" bow. I lead the way to the exit with many shifty eyes directed at me. *SHUDDER*

So we end up on the tour bus. Evergrey is on there. A sound guy and I get to talking- he's so cool- he has a bunch of apple computers (AND I DON"T WANT TO HEAR JACK SHIT ABOUT HOW PC's are better, now is not hte time) he doesn't smoke and he tells me since I'm driving later, I shouldn't be drinking ( I only had half a smirnoff ice about 3 hours before we finally left). I was in utter shock since I'd been living in a burn pile for the last 4 hours.

Alexi and Jeanne disappear for a while, Russian girl and one of the curly haired fellows from Evergrey disappear while another Evergrey guy rolls a doobie. The others are soon flat out drunk and a CD is put in the bus player- I am told the drummer of Evergrey burned it. USHER, TOXIC by Britney spears and Thriller by Michael jackson along with Saturday night fever and Right Said Fred's I"m too sexy being playing. They are ALL SINGING ALONG. I was just agape with astonishment. The roadies were all laughing at me- yeah, some crazy stuff plays here. Russian girl appears and finishes my smirnoff and then a full one for herself. We then play the how old are you game? and I end up asking Russian girl that and she answers, how old do I look? We'll we all assumed at least 20- nope, she is 17. I inform her, "Julia, that is one thing you need to lie about". she drinks a lot of rum and coke that Jeanne proclaimed as "strong" (for jeanne to say a drink is strong is saying something). Russian and Evergrey guy disappear for a while- the rest of Evergrey goes to one of the two strip clubs next to Pop's.

Sound boy and I decide to check out the back where Alexi and jeanne are.
We find them talking to Russian boy who tells us all CRAZY fucked up stories about police brutality in Russia. we were enthralled for ages. Sound tech guys and I were ganging up on Jeanne and making fun of her slight stature (at which point she tackles me and proceeds to pummel me with her gnome like fists, which, might I add, left quite the bruise on my shoulder).

Russian girl comes in- she's been throwing up in the bus toilet (which is bad- driver can't see it or band is in trouble)- she's never been this drunk before and insists she needs to go home- her parents will be angry- Russian boy informs her he has already called them and told them they will be in late and they don't care. She insists she feels bad and wants to go home. Sound tech says why don't you take a nap in an empty bunk, the bus isn't leaving until 8 am (it is now 1:15 am) her brother is really pissed at her and angry russian is exchanged. We tell her we'll go soon when her brother finishes his beer. We listen to more stories and my joy at burning things is mocked repeatedly by alexi, jeanne and sound boy. Jeanne says she feels bad for Russian girl and says we should take her home now. I'm not feeling all too sympathetic. Sound tech guy laments I'm leaving and asks if If we can hang out in Milwaukee- of course I say.

After russian girl throws up some more, she loses her purse and her digital camera. A 20 minute search finds it in the bed she'd been sleeping in. Jeanne then tells me she's not going back but I should take russian girl home. I'm pissed but I say fine- the wife and I are going to milwaukee friday so ok. It takes 30 minutes for me to get the russian boy in the car because he is pissed at his sister and wants to stay. Russian girl flips a bit when she learns Jeanne isn't coming back and talks to her for about another 15.

Russian girl has to take a piss and starts to squat next to car! NOOOOOOO! I scream, use Pop's bathroom- it is seriously only 50 feet away. I have her brother walk her to the bathroom while I run to say goodbye to jeanne. Jeanne promises to call me the next night to let me know she is alive. I look at Alexi and he promises to take care of her- I trust the guy so I wish them the best of luck- say one last goodbye to sound tech, collect the russians and leave.

FINALLY we begin driving at about 3:10 am. I stop briefly to allow Russian boy to take a piss- I'm so tired (sound tech said I could use his bed to take a nap but I declined) and he then proceeds to pull out a big fucking cigarette and smoke it. I'm quivering with rage for a few moments. I do ninety most of the way back, stopping yet again for Russian girl to pee in a field. I make the estimated 2.75 hour drive in about 2 hours and 10 minutes. Russian boy babbles the entire time while I splash water in my face and eat reeces pieces to stay awake.

A big detour leads me astray for a bit and then I learn I need to take the russians home because they are wasted and about 15 minutes from my bed. I drop them and head to Steak'n Shake (which I developed a craving for about 30 minutes from home, odd) and swallow 2 steak burgers with ketchup and small onion rings. God damn that was good. At about 6:15 am, I roll into the garage, shower my stinky ass and hit the sack until about 6 pm today.

So there's the adventure. There are many pictures but I have no energy to post them- I have a class in about 5 hours. I'm certain there will be another adventure on Friday complete with more scandelous pictures. Until then,

SPORTYyyy (Hubby/husband)
+counting down 8 final days before she gets her bum to NYC+

Sounds like ya had a blast but seriously the russian girl part of the story had me giggling like a loony in this here college comp lab.
@ mel - sounds like some fun, i am gonna try an d hang out with the band and shit before the show to, .maybei can get some special . . . . .privelages. . .
im fuckin excited. . .

The Lantern Nut said:
Christonabike! :loco: So, Betty, you know, .........did the bunny?
i doubt it. . .highly

he is still married, just seperatied i believe

and jeanne doesnt seem like that type of girl. . .

BTW - nice pics. . .
and did he play through those randalls :puke: i hate randall, the only person who made them sound good was dimebag. i recently played on one with a Gibson Les Paul Studio wiht EMG ZW set. . .i hated it. . .