Easy Metal


Disciple of the Horns
Aug 27, 2007
How you all doing.

My names Kyle, im a beginning guitarist (been playing for about 6 months). I recently founded a band with a drummer and base player, who have both been playing about as long as me, and we are looking to do a few covers. Can anyone reccommend anything that we could all play?

-Relatively easy guitar, NO SOLOS
-Relatively easy drums, no double kick
-Easy Bass (Our bass player sucks)
-We'd only want to do a song we like- stuff were into includes: New Wave (Priest, Sabbath, Venom) Thrash (Slayer,Sepultura, Testament, Kreator, Pantera) Black (Satyricon, Marduk, Emperor) Death (DAATH, Death)
-Vocals capable of being turned into black metal vocals.

Im not sure exactly how skilled my bandmates are, as for me, last thing i learnt was Now Diabolical (Satyricon) and that was on the easier side of moderate for me.

Thanks for your time.
i would play walk by Pantera. the riff is easy as well as the bass line, and the drums are probably the most difficult part but nothing really hard at all. not sure about the vocals going to BM but it might sound cool, when i do it it doesnt go with the song well.

also Breaking The Law by Judas Preist. the riff is easy and i think the drummer is no good so its all easy to play. i like the new drummer they have but the one on the albums sucks imo.

id just cut out the solos or whatever. if you play metal, just about anything that you would want to play needs a solo lol
Look up some rythm tabs in Drop-D tuning. Alot of it is quite easy and sounds pretty heavy. Learn the power chords.
Another thing to try is a couple Sabbath songs, Hand of Doom and Electric Funeral are pretty damn easy.
Beherit- The Gate of Nanna.

Awesome song, and probably the least technical song ever written.
Orion - Metallica. The bass is actually quite easy. It will be a challenge for you guys, but that's what it's all about.
Try Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger. Tabs are available...

Easy guitar, can't remember about the bass. The drummer can always miprovise something easier and play along.
anything black sabbath
seek and destroy by metallica (not incredibly hard but it will be a good challenge for you) actually MOST songs from kill 'em all aren't that hard but would be a pretty good challenge
For Whom the Bell Tolls, by Metallica

Also check out Gojira, they dont use solos

Also, try to get better at guitar, and learn solos.

It isnt as fun if you cant show off a bit, so learn crazy train.
Children Of The Grave by Black Sabbath. Easiest Metal song ever.

Here is a live version, a lot better than the studio in my opinion.

The intro tab is here in case you want to learn it.
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A good thing to try if your into thrash, try playing Now I Lay Thee Down by Machine Head. I picked it up really easily, its got a bit of finger tapping in it though, but the main riff and intro, and bridges and stuff are quite easy.

My computer crashed a while ago and I forgot all about this damn for forum.

Thank you for your replies, I appreciate people taking the time to help me out, and I'm sorry I havent responded sooner.

I have learnt a bunch of songs, and so has our drummer. Our bass player has yet to learn one. :). I feel like i have taken a step up since I first posted this forum, and am currently working on learning Alison Hell by Annhilator.

I have downloaded tabs of serveral songs mentioned here, some of which I have been meaning to learn anyway (particuarly Children of the Grave).

I have also learnt some solos, which is basically all I play... Paranoid, Buried Alive, Slaughter of the Soul, More than a Feeling, the first Welcome Home/Sanitarium solo, Sweet Leaf, etc...

Our band has taken on a real doom theme since we have discovered Stoner Metal.

Thanks Again,

don't worry about the bass player...most bass for stuff you've mentioned is pretty simple...

Death in Fire by Amon Amarth - really easy, awesome, extreme, etc.