Ed, Ted, Sean, Doug, Bill

Enchant expected, and received, East Coast (fans) six weeks ago.

Enchant expects, and will receive, East Coast (fans) tomorrow.

How far are you willing to travel to see Enchant perform? (Not rhetorical: I'd really ike to know.) 20 miles? 50 miles? 100 miles? 500 miles?

Consider traveling to see them (or any of your favorites) perform. I have done so on a number of occasions and I can testify to its awesomeness. A buddy of mine and I did a 1,400 mile road trip to see all three Dream Theater shows in California last year. It's a trip I'm sure to remember for a lifetime (livetime?). Much of the US hasn't had a Dream Theater show in their state, even region, for years -- we DT fans sometimes have to go the distance to see them.

I'm sure the Enchant guys appreciate the support in knowing they'd be a welcome visitor to your part of the world...But you just have to be realistic.
Enchant expected, and received, East Coast (fans) six weeks ago.

Enchant expects, and will receive, East Coast (fans) tomorrow.

How far are you willing to travel to see Enchant perform? (Not rhetorical: I'd really ike to know.) 20 miles? 50 miles? 100 miles? 500 miles?

Consider traveling to see them (or any of your favorites) perform. I have done so on a number of occasions and I can testify to its awesomeness. A buddy of mine and I did a 1,400 mile road trip to see all three Dream Theater shows in California last year. It's a trip I'm sure to remember for a lifetime (livetime?). Much of the US hasn't had a Dream Theater show in their state, even region, for years -- we DT fans sometimes have to go the distance to see them.

I'm sure the Enchant guys appreciate the support in knowing they'd be a welcome visitor to your part of the world...But you just have to be realistic.

So you think Oz is out of the question:rolleyes:
Enchant expected, and received, East Coast (fans) six weeks ago.

Enchant expects, and will receive, East Coast (fans) tomorrow.

How far are you willing to travel to see Enchant perform? (Not rhetorical: I'd really ike to know.) 20 miles? 50 miles? 100 miles? 500 miles?

Consider traveling to see them (or any of your favorites) perform. I have done so on a number of occasions and I can testify to its awesomeness. A buddy of mine and I did a 1,400 mile road trip to see all three Dream Theater shows in California last year. It's a trip I'm sure to remember for a lifetime (livetime?). Much of the US hasn't had a Dream Theater show in their state, even region, for years -- we DT fans sometimes have to go the distance to see them.

I'm sure the Enchant guys appreciate the support in knowing they'd be a welcome visitor to your part of the world...But you just have to be realistic.

The guys know about my impatience. I ask this all the time. They'll travel 7,000 miles to play Europe, but not 3,000 to play the East Coast.

Just asking again.....tis all.

No offense, but this is coming from a Ca. resident.....
The guys know about my impatience. I ask this all the time. They'll travel 7,000 miles to play Europe, but not 3,000 to play the East Coast.

Just asking again.....tis all.

No offense, but this is coming from a Ca. resident.....

Patience grasshopper.

Seriously though, I'd love to know as well, if it's even a possibility.
We need a 'Prog-East' fest or something, we're so left out over here. :mad:
I know, progpower is more or less 'Eastward' but it's such a looong drive.
And yes those California folks got it pretty good, well until the state snaps off and plunges into the Pacific that is. :lol:
Yes, we (specifically I) do have it good this year, with two Enchant shows within six weeks of each other.

However, I met a lot of people at the show last night who traveled from almost as far as you guys. Sometimes that's what it takes.
Yes, we (specifically I) do have it good this year, with two Enchant shows within six weeks of each other.

However, I met a lot of people at the show last night who traveled from almost as far as you guys. Sometimes that's what it takes.

I think there's an economic side to this for many folks. It's not just an issue of exerting oneself to travel across the country, or sitting back and waiting for the tour, it might also be the cost, as in Disco Dave's case, or time off from work.

Speaking of money, I understand that BARFEST donated the profits of these shows to Guitars not Guns. That is so awesome! Just think of what we could do if we all donated the same amount of money to GnG as we spend on beer at shows? We could do amazing things for kids! And maybe some of you who work for big companies can get your companies to match donations. And if you ARE the company, come on, pay up!

I see first hand how getting kids involved in music and other activites can literally save their lives. Most every weekend, I hear the little drum corps practicing at the middle school next door to me. This isn't one of those huge, uniformed groups you see on tv. This is a little group started by one of the parents, a volunteer who also worked part time as a campus supervisor, and drives bus at night. He got a bunch of kids together, got them drumming, doing moves, rapping (yes, rap CAN be okay!) wearing their own t-shirts. They've evolved into quite a talented group, performing at civic events, getting donations to buy imprinted t-shirts, hats. The MOST important thing is that this group has hooked in so many kids, some of whom might have gotten into some heavy duty trouble. Sometimes that's all it takes to save kids--getting them passionate about something, like music, and having people willing to donate their time and their money.

Well, I got away from the main subject a bit. Basically, no matter how much passion or intent you have to see a band, you can't alway manage the trip.

I'd better bite my tongue, before I get into the political side of all of this...the reasons why so many of us can no longer afford what we used to be able to...the cost of transporation...education funding...anyway, don't want to piss anyone off! :Smug:

I have already commented a few times STM I am going to let one of the others chime in and enlighten you this time.

I would love to get back that way and play a show. I am down for it anytime. As long as it doesn't end up costing us money or we lose our butts like many bands bigger than us do often. It is the state of the business right now.

We appreciate folks who travel but never expect this at all. I hope things work out and we can do this. I have been trying to make it happen for some time.

What you really need back there is a promoter like David Hatchell or Glenn Harvester who really makes it happen!

The guys know about my impatience. I ask this all the time. They'll travel 7,000 miles to play Europe, but not 3,000 to play the East Coast.

Just asking again.....tis all.

No offense, but this is coming from a Ca. resident.....
. . . no matter how much passion or intent you have to see a band, you can't alway manage the trip.
You're right, Kristin... And I stand corrected, or at least softened a bit, on my stance. Kind of.

But the same is true on the other side of the equation -- the band...
No matter how much passion or intent you have to see a band, you can't always manage the trip.


No matter how much passion or intent a band has to play in an area, they can't always manage the trip.​
You're right, Kristin... And I stand corrected, or at least softened a bit
I love to hear that from a man :) well, the first part anyway :Smug:

But the same is true on the other side of the equation -- the band...No matter how much passion or intent a band has to play in an area, they can't always manage the trip.

Yup, in all seriousness, that's the bottom line. And I guess I should start buying lottery tickets--if I win, it'll be endless road trips for everyone! :kickass:

viadragon (middle name, dreamer)

There is a show every year on the East Coast that would not bankrupt the band. Its ROSfest near Philly during the last weekend of every April. Please all us East Coasters join Rosfest@yahoogroups.com and demand that we want Enchant for 2008. I have put in my vote for Enchant as my #1 band for 2008, so please, I could use some additional support.

I don't know how I'm going to do it.....

But I'm going to do a bit of research here about promoting bands.

I'll get them here if I have to finance it myself....bake sales, yard sales, collecting cans....burning disco CDs (while charging admission)....etc...:lol:

If Bang Tango, and House of Lords can 'afford' to come to Newport, RI - and they are basically has-beens, I think I could get the guys here.

I'll see what I can do.....
STM- need help gathering info? anything? Shoot me an email.

Let's get organized a bit and see what's out there for 2008 on the East Coast...we can do some legwork on our own and then present it to Ed and the band.


I'm in CT....

Charter member of the ENCHANT East Coast Fan Club!

There is a show every year on the East Coast that would not bankrupt the band. Its ROSfest near Philly during the last weekend of every April. Please all us East Coasters join Rosfest@yahoogroups.com and demand that we want Enchant for 2008. I have put in my vote for Enchant as my #1 band for 2008, so please, I could use some additional support.

Funny, I didn't realize that ROSfest was so close! Man, if Enchant is there next year, I'll be right up front again since Philly is only like a 2 hour drive! Although you're familiar with that since you live like 10 minutes from where I work (and 30 from my home). I will have to join you in your quest!
We would love to come blow the doors of this one, isn't this the old theater they filmed the Blob in??????

but..........you folks need to really it this group hard like brotha Jim stated Rosfest@yahoogroups.com let them know who you want to see!

They slam us pretty good in there. I have seen a few really assnine comments about us there, one recent post said alll our discs sound the same and we are bad for the festival, nice!

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