Edge of Sanity demos


New Metal Member
Oct 16, 2005
Where may these be aquired? Weren't they once on Dan Swano's page?
Any information regarding the demos would be extremely helpful, thanks.
I still have all the origianal downloads thatwere previously available... I knew they wouldn't last long, so I grabbed them all while I could... the Nightingale demos were broken links and were never fixed.
Xack said:
I still have all the origianal downloads thatwere previously available... I knew they wouldn't last long, so I grabbed them all while I could... the Nightingale demos were broken links and were never fixed.

could you please arrange them to me (by msn or something)?
I've got some of them, but my harddrive broke down and I've lost the most...
And to me as well, that would be extremely helpful

(same way, MSN or something.)

also that Evolution compilation is good, and that's all I can say about it. It's great! :p
Yeah, Iwould like to put my hands on the rest of the EOS demos.
I have only Euthenasia and Kur-nu-gi-a and the evolution cd's as far as demos go.
what is the total size of all the demo's?

If it's possible to fit it on my webspace (around 150 MB), i could put it up for hosting with Dan's permission for a while. if it's too big ill put 1 part up this week, and other part the next.
I haven't noticed but when i compared the Euthanasia I've got with metal-archives.com i found out some of the songs are not exactly the songs that are supposed to be there. like "uncreation" demo.
Luckily Kur-nu-gi-a is fine.it takes 27.6 Mbytes and is in 192 kb/secv quality.
I fyou want it I can send it to you via ICQ or Msn.