EDGE OF SANITY - "Purgatory Afterglow"


Lord and Liar
May 31, 2001
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In 1994, a friend had bought 'Purgatory Afterglow'. I was beforehand a big fan of their previous albums, but never thought it could compare to those CDs. Well, he invited me over to listen to it and I was sold the instant the first riff was played.

"Twilight" is, in my opinion, one of the best opening songs ever to grace a metal CD. It has catchy, heavy riffs, the best death growls in the industry, wondrous melodies, a powerful chorus, and cool growl-a-long lyrics.

When I visited an Edge of Sanity concert in Trondheim they opened with the very same song, and I must admit, tears came to my eyes :rolleyes:

Immediately following the grandiose opening is the much more furious "Of Darksome Origin", a black metallish song with more infernal undertones, with some inspired drumwork, and beautiful lead melodies.

"Blood-Colored" is another classic; Dan Swanøs clean vocals mixed with an aggressive death-growl chorus makes this a fantastic death metal song.

The following tracks all made their mark on my soul, with "Velvet Dreams" being an especially fantastic "hit", only surpassed by "Twilight".

What can I say? If you haven't heard this album, you're missing out on a true melodic death metal classic. It is as good now as it was then, so check it out!!!!! 10/10
i agree that is a classic album...spectral sorrows and unorthodox are also just as good, EoS i think had the best 4 albums in a row in that genre. unorthodox spectral sorrows purgatory afterglow and then of course crimson. i have not heard the last one with swano i hear its a decent cd though.
The last Edge of Sanity CD with Dan Swano was "Infernal", and that's a good album too, but there are a few tracks that just don't come up to their stronger material. Also, Swano appears on a special track on the "Evolution" double CD, in a duet with Robban, the vocalist on the "Cryptic" album - it's a cool track.

The best tracks on "Infernal" are 'Hell is where the Heart is', 'Forever together Forever' and '15:36', in my opinion.

And of course "Inferno"!!!!!!!!!
that must have been great to see EOS live. Do you remember other songs that they played at the show?....i wish they would get back together for a tour......even if they did they prolly wouldnt come to the states anyway...
Yes, I remember more songs they played:

As I said, they opened with "Twilight", which was immediately followed by "Of Darksome Origin". My friend who also attended the concert made them dedicate "Blood of my Enemies" to him (!) and I asked Andreas Axellson if they could please, please play "Black Tears". They finished with "Black Tears", and during the song Andreas gave me a beer and his plectrums :spin:
Afterwards, we joined the band backstage for a party. Nice guys, but the most impressing member was the drummer, he did a fantastic job that night - Sami was the least impressive, he was too drunk to really be standing on a scene.

Other songs they played (that I remember) include "Damned by the Damned", "Hell Written", "Uncontroll Me" (really great live),
"Bleakness of it All", "The Masque", and several more.

Man, it's so long ago, I can't remember the setlist exactly, I remember I got one of their setlists but lost it in the party afterwards. I got my "Crimson" CD signed, though, and got to play on Andreas' guitar, as I have bragged about elsewhere :cool:

Robban was a really cool frontman. This was the 23rd february 1999 I think, or 1998. Fantastic experience, since I was an enormous fan of Edge of Sanity at the time. Missed Dan though.
Neat review, and nice story. I completely agree with you on "Purgatory..." , it's an album every metal fan should own, whether they think they like death metal or not (and they sure as hell will after listening to Purgatory).
Neat review, and nice story. I completely agree with you on "Purgatory..." , it's an album every metal fan should own, whether they think they like death metal or not (and they sure as hell will after listening to Purgatory).

BTW, have you given Dan Swanö's "Moontower" a listen? It's fucking great, the best thing he's been involved in after Crimson. If you haven't, I suggest getting a mp3 of "Uncreation", just love the synths in it.
Well I never thought that someone still remember this old piece of Death Metal, well I can tell you that when I friend borrow me his copy of "The Spectral Sorrow" I was amazing with the kind of Death Metal that Mr. Swano & company was doing and it became one of my favorite album of that year (I think it was 1993 but I'm not quite sure) well when I receive a newsletter from Relapse records which I was Mail-order from at that specific time, it came in Black letter "New masterpiece of Edge of Sanity - Purgatory Afterglow" then it came the price for order, and to be honest when I receive the CD I was Kinda dissapointed because "The Spectral Sorrow" was hell of an album and Purgatory didn't darkened the Classic seed that Spectral sow.

So in my humble opinion I thin the Classic from Edge of sanity is "The Spectral Sorrows" and even I like ALOT Purgatory I still like the other better.

By the way I'm Chilean and my favorite song from that record (Purgatory) is Blood Colored and if anyone knows why the album has like 25 songs with nothing please email-me and give me some explanation

Ok Goodgye all you metal heads

"The Spectral Sorrows" was indeed released in '93, and is also a fantastic album ... but (for me) "Purgatory Afterglow" 'wins' mainly because of 'Twilight' and 'Velvet Dreams', two wonderful death metal tracks.
I've always wanted to get this album but it was sold out everywhere i looked. I managed to find good mp3s though, and I listen to it when I get into a good death metal mood. It is truly exemplary of Dan's death metal work. A fine album indeed.
I love this album and Swano-era EOS in general. I wouldn't give Purgatory Afterglow 10/10 points though, cause I do think the songs after "Velvet Dreams" lack depth and occur to me as mere fillers. That still leaves 7 great songs though. I like "Twilight", "Silent", "Black Tears" and "Elegy" best.

"The Spectral Sorrows" will always be my favourite EoS album though, it was my first introduction to them back in '93, monumental album.