Edguy in Sydney!


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
Well after overcoming the disappointment that there was no alcohol for sale at the show for the benefit of the ten or so under 18s who were there, last night's show kicked all kinds of arse! Pure Lode sound like Nickelback. Boring post-grunge melodic rock. I don't know why they were on the bill. Descend was great! They've really got it together over the last couple of years, that's for sure. 'Two Minutes to Live' (I think that's what it was called) blew my head off. Slayer should come watch these guys and remember what it's like to play speed metal. Dungeon even with two substitutes in the band were fabulous as always. :kickass: Then Edguy came on. What can I say. I think I know about two of their songs apart from "Tears of a Mandrake" but after tonight I'm hooked. These guys are a fucking awesome live band. Even if you're not the greatest fan of power metal or melodic hard rock (or even of their albums) you would have been hard pressed not to have really enjoyed them. Their stage show actually reminds me a lot of the Scorpions, and not just because Dirk is a dead ringer for Rudi Schenker (but younger): lots of energy, high-kicking, drum-riser jumps, mic-stand acrobatics. Killer live band!

damn right, a friend of mine loved it even though they're not a huge fan of metal in general!!
i just uploaded the better of my pics

excuse the popups.

amazing band live indeed, looking forward to seeing them in two years.. ah, seems so long away
yeah, but it was an all ages gig... such violence! ;) twas funny to see the vocalist headbang while holding onto the shield.. :lol: