Edguy King Of Fools Ep!


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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Holy shit, Johnny D! What a great cd!!!! I took your advice and picked this up today. (For $3.99 I might add! That's cheaper than a damn magazine...) anyway it is my idea of PERFECT metal. Great sounding guitars...great riffs, orchestration everywhere...I don't think the lyrics are too cheezy, as a couple others have said. It's perfect to me. A+++ I love it. Haven't heard metal this good since Swine got me into King Diamond! FREAKING AWESOME!! I just think it SLAYS! I want more EDGUY. I can't believe anyone called them "Edgay". I mean, what MORE could you want in a metal song? It's all here.
tedvanfrehley said:
Holy shit, Johnny D! What a great cd!!!! I took your advice and picked this up today. (For $3.99 I might add! That's cheaper than a damn magazine...) anyway it is my idea of PERFECT metal. Great sounding guitars...great riffs, orchestration everywhere...I don't think the lyrics are too cheezy, as a couple others have said. It's perfect to me. A+++ I love it. Haven't heard metal this good since Swine got me into King Diamond! FREAKING AWESOME!! I just think it SLAYS! I want more EDGUY. I can't believe anyone called them "Edgay". I mean, what MORE could you want in a metal song? It's all here.

:) Cool I'm Glad ya like it .... Whatcha think of "Life and times of a bonus track" :D lol I have no idea where the hell they got Edguy from aparently it they just called it that when they were 15 and it stuck
Edguy-King of Fools

Nuclear Blast 2004



When a band puts out an E.P. between records, it’s usually a mixed bag of material that wasn’t up to snuff. Edguy’s "King of Fools" is no exception, it features the title track which will be on their upcoming record "Hellfire Club." This E.P. could hurt the band’s chances of any potential sales. Two of the three tracks are keepers & the other three throw aways, that you could probably listen to once & hope to never hear again. Clearly, the strongest track on this E.P. is the title track followed by a non lp track titled "Holy Water." I’m not clear on how a band with above average musicianship & the ability arrange some catchy power metal, would not seek guidance in the lyrical department?

This band is on the verge of something big, but if the lyrical content on this E.P. is any indication of what the next record will be like, I would be concerned. A friend of mine described the band as a cross between Iron Maiden & Halloween. I find his depiction of the band to accurate & I feel the band could be as well known as those bands.

I close with an excerpt from "New Age Messiah," "Pardon Fucking me, who the fucking fuck is Jesus? I’m the motherfucking new messiah for the fucking world."

You get the idea...


The Band:

Tobias Sammet-Vocals, Keys

Jens Ludwig-Guitar

Dirk Sauer-Guitar

Tobias "Eggi" Exxel-Bass

Felix Bohnke-Drums

The Content:

1.) King of Fools-:worship:

2.) New Age Messiah-:ill:

3.) The Savage Union-:err:

4.) Holy Water-:worship:

5.) Life & Times of A Bonus Track-:ill:

sixxswine said:
Edguy-King of Fools

Nuclear Blast 2004

I close with an excerpt from "New Age Messiah," "Pardon Fucking me, who the fucking fuck is Jesus? I’m the motherfucking new messiah for the fucking world."

:) Great review Sixx! I personaly like the whole thing but hahaha you prolly knew that :p now this might be because I'm young but I love that line lol I cant help it thats why I like Edguy their not affraid to show that they are Human SIXX get Burning Down the Opera Live its one of the Best damn live albums ever made :D
JonnyD said:
:) Great review Sixx! I personaly like the whole thing but hahaha you prolly knew that :p now this might be because I'm young but I love that line lol I cant help it thats why I like Edguy their not affraid to show that they are Human SIXX get Burning Down the Opera Live its one of the Best damn live albums ever made :D
First off, I like the band. I don't think they are the best in the genre, but they could be, in time. I will be picking up their new disc & will probably follow your instructions & get their live disc too.
sixxswine said:
First off, I like the band. I don't think they are the best in the genre, but they could be, in time. I will be picking up their new disc & will probably follow your instructions & get their live disc too.

:grin: Excellent you wont be disapointed in it ..... What did you think of Mandrake?
Edguy are an amazing band and I absolutely love this EP. I cannot wait for the new album. Their live album last year was simply awesome and their best album thus far in my opinion was their latest studio release "Mandrake". One of heavy metals best modern day bands.
sixxswine said:
Everyone go out & buy the new record when it comes out.
Like I said before, this band is on the verge of something big.
After the listen to Mandrake I can't wait for the disc. I hope it blows me away....

It's been a while since I've lstened to Mandrake, will have to pull it out for another listen soon. You guys have got me wanting to hear their new stuff!
sixxswine said:
I'm actually really into this whole Euro Power Metal thing...
Don't know why? It's just very catchy, there's great musicianship & very melodic.

Me too man for like the last year its perfect its fast, Heavy ,Catchy , And mushy as wet bread :p its Great I cant wait for the new album I have been listening to Vain Glory Opera Lately Another Great EdRecord :grin:
MethodicalWasteManagement said:
"Silly tits" here. Haha, if you took offense to that buddy, do yourself a favor and kiss my ass.

I took no offense to it at all Kiddo why would I? your opinion really doesnt matter to me at the moment and from what I have seen of your posting technich its probably not going to .... my primary goal in addressing you was to inform you that we are not a group of assholes that go around making borish remarks for shits we take out metal seriously and we all respect each others different tastes in Heavy Metal Music so if you would refrain from the negative remarks you wont have to read anymore of my bullshit :grin: