Edguy King Of Fools Ep!

sixxswine said:
Like I said before, this band is on the verge of something big.
Heh, just curious, but are you new to the band? Most people would think that Edguy hit it big with Vain Glory Opera, and then became *huge* with Theater of Salvation. Mandrake was just them sealing the deal, even managing to land a slot on the PPUSA 3 roster. Edguy are already massive, doing world tours and are now on Nuclear Blast, alongside acts like Helloween and Dimmu Borgir. Within the Power Metal genre, they are certainly already a tier 1 act.

With that said, I think this new EP is horrible. The title track is standard Edguy (a song they could have written in their sleep), but the remaining songs are obvious leftovers which they were asked to prepare quickly by their new label through some contractual obligation. The EP is just unnecessary IMO, and probably the worst place to start for anyone looking to get into Edguy.
I just don't see how people don't like this disc...I'm not a longtime Edguy fan...so i guess it's like comparing LOAD to KILL EM ALL, but still, this ep is a good batch of metal in my opinion...I may not know Edguy that well, but i know what I like and this is it, baby! Thanks again to Johnny D for turning me on to them.
tedvanfrehley said:
I just don't see how people don't like this disc...I'm not a longtime Edguy fan...so i guess it's like comparing LOAD to KILL EM ALL, but still, this ep is a good batch of metal in my opinion...I may not know Edguy that well, but i know what I like and this is it, baby! Thanks again to Johnny D for turning me on to them.

:grin: Your Welcome Bro I'm always happy to get people into new bands
JayKeeley said:
Heh, just curious, but are you new to the band? Most people would think that Edguy hit it big with Vain Glory Opera, and then became *huge* with Theater of Salvation. Mandrake was just them sealing the deal, even managing to land a slot on the PPUSA 3 roster. Edguy are already massive, doing world tours and are now on Nuclear Blast, alongside acts like Helloween and Dimmu Borgir. Within the Power Metal genre, they are certainly already a tier 1 act.

With that said, I think this new EP is horrible. The title track is standard Edguy (a song they could have written in their sleep), but the remaining songs are obvious leftovers which they were asked to prepare quickly by their new label through some contractual obligation. The EP is just unnecessary IMO, and probably the worst place to start for anyone looking to get into Edguy.

lol Swine is new to the band .... I'v only known about them for a year myself but yes your right they are Huge Around the world but here in the States no way they still have a long way to go ........

:p I personally like the new "Single" its not bad I like the Whole thing ....... I wasnt expecting some wonderful 5 songs that would change my world I just Knew it was new Edguy and that was all that mattered to me :grin: Tho I did get TVH into them with this ep
JayKeeley said:
Heh, just curious, but are you new to the band?
With that said, I think this new EP is horrible. The title track is standard Edguy (a song they could have written in their sleep), but the remaining songs are obvious leftovers which they were asked to prepare quickly by their new label through some contractual obligation. The EP is just unnecessary IMO, and probably the worst place to start for anyone looking to get into Edguy.
To answer your questions. Yes. And to explain the "huge" part, I'm referring to world wide success, mainly referring to America. My boy JD has been raving about these guys for over a year & had to check 'em out.
I wouldn't argue with you there, in reagards to the E.P. Just look at my damn review!
sixxswine said:
To answer your questions. Yes. And to explain the "huge" part, I'm referring to world wide success, mainly referring to America.
That's just the thing - a European Power Metal band will never even aspire to reach American shores. To include America as part of that measurement of success is just a waste of time.

Actually, with that said, even a US Power Metal band wouldn't need to bother with the US market, whether it be Iced Earth, Virgin Steele, or even Manowar. Why bother? If they're selling out to 10,000 strong arenas in places like Italy, Brazil, Germany, Japan, and Greece, then why bother playing in shitty little bar venues in the US? I know they do play here from time to time (aka "once in a blue moon"), but it's only a mere formality since 99% of their records are sold overseas anyway.

A band like Edguy can already headline European, South American, and Japanese tours, so their mission to success is already pretty much done. They might sell to bigger venues eventually, but it'll be constrained to those locations.

By the way, your review was good. If you're keen to see Tobias Sammet at his songwriting peak however, get yourself a copy of Avantasia: The Metal Opera. In reality, it's the only power metal album you'll ever need. Trust me on that one. :cool:
You're wrong, Iced Earth has reached the United States. A record label is out to make money off their artists right? That's why they call it the record business. Americans are a big market for record sales & I think all it take is the "right" band & they'll have success. Example, The Darkness, I'm sure they had success in their native country & thought they'd give America a shot. It paid off. I think there is a market for Power Metal in America & I hope some label figure out a way of marketing these bands just right to get 'em played on the video channels & or the stations that still have a format for melodic heavy metal. Jaykeeley you are quite the debater. I'm glad that you ha ve shown class in your disagreements with me & I hope to see you post some more on this here forum.
Oink! \m/
sixxswine said:
You're wrong, Iced Earth has reached the United States. A record label is out to make money off their artists right? That's why they call it the record business. Americans are a big market for record sales & I think all it take is the "right" band & they'll have success.
Dude, what in the history of Power Metal makes you think that a Power Metal band will ever make it big in the USA? You surely can't be citing Iced Earth as an example??! First of all, they're an American band to begin with, so yes, they have some presence here, but nothing like the way they are worshipped in Europe or elsewhere.

Correct, America is a big market, but not for independant labels or underground bands. Where have you been the last decade? Perhaps the new OzzFest line up might be a reflection that nu-metal is dying, but I just don't see how a Euro Power metal band would ever fit into the category of MTV, corporate radio, and major label sponsorship. Although I appreciate your sentiments, I just think it's naiive to even think it's gonna happen. If it was going to happen with anyone by now, it would have been Manowar, and they are worth zilch in the USA, hence their lack of touring.

Example, The Darkness, I'm sure they had success in their native country & thought they'd give America a shot. It paid off.
How can you even include The Darkness into the argument? The Darkness are radio-rock with a manufactured 70's/80's retro appeal. They're even on a major label. In that case, why not include bands such as Def Leppard, Bush, or even Coldplay. The Darkness is NOT an underground metal band, regardless of their appeal.

I think there is a market for Power Metal in America & I hope some label figure out a way of marketing these bands just right to get 'em played on the video channels & or the stations that still have a format for melodic heavy metal.
Heh, you're like the John Lennon of Power Metal. I like your dreams, but sorry to burst your bubble man, it just aint gonna happen. Power Metal is just not trendy enough for a corporate US market. I'm surprised you would even think so. The only person making waves in bringing Prog and Power Metal bands to the USA is Glenn Harveston - the promoter for ProgPower USA. If he gets a weekend festival sell out of 2000 fans (me being one of them), he would consider that a success.

Jaykeeley you are quite the debater. I'm glad that you ha ve shown class in your disagreements with me & I hope to see you post some more on this here forum.
Oink! \m/
Cool. I'm not heated about this. On the contrary, I remember having these beliefs in Power Metal coming over to the USA and breaking through for quite some time, but I give into reality. I do what I can to support these underground artists - I've interviewed Iced Earth, Edguy, Power Quest, Rhapsody etc, and written countless reviews. It's not much, but the Royal Carnage webzine is my little effort in trying to help just keep the underground in balance, let alone make it grow.

Peace. \m/
I still say Edguy kicks fucking fat ass! They rule.

ps..I think what Sixxswine meant including the Darkness is that they were already big overseas, then they broke in American. The mighty Edguy could (may?) do the same.

Balls to the wall!
tedvanfrehley said:
I still say Edguy kicks fucking fat ass! They rule.

ps..I think what Sixxswine meant including the Darkness is that they were already big overseas, then they broke in American. The mighty Edguy could (may?) do the same.

Balls to the wall!
Yes, TVF I used The Darkness merely as an example. I no way do I feel they are Power Metal. I do think that Power Metal could be a huge hit in the states. It could be "big" in a similar to what "arena rock" was back in the day. The John Lennon of Power Metal?! Jeez, didn't he wind up with a slug in the head?!:erk:
JayKeeley said:
That's just the thing - a European Power Metal band will never even aspire to reach American shores. To include America as part of that measurement of success is just a waste of time.

I don't think that's true, any band... ANY BAND.... be it metal, rap, rock, dance, goth, punk what ever, wants to break in the USA. Why? One reason.... MONEY.

I understand what you are saying, that there is no Power Metal scene here in the states, but believe me, somewhere someone is planning on how to break the PM band that they represent into the US market. Will they be successful... the odds are against them but they will still try because of the money to be made.

But then again all it takes is that one Power Metal band to open the doors and a scene could develope in the States. I remember when Nirvana got signed to a huge deal with Geffen. I'd been listening to (and loving) Bleach for over a year and I found it insane that Geffen would give them that kind of money. I never thought the average American listeners would accept them ..... but they did. MORAL = never say never.
tedvanfrehley said:
I still say Edguy kicks fucking fat ass! They rule.
OK I didn't say anything to the contrary. I love Edguy - hung out with the band, and got all my CD's signed by the band at ProgPower III too! \m/ :heh: \m/

sixxswine said:
Yes, TVF I used The Darkness merely as an example. I no way do I feel they are Power Metal.
I never claimed that you did either. I simply pointed out that you were trying to compare a major label, easy listening, radio band with Edguy. It's just not a fair comparison. The Darkness are about as manufactured as The Spice Girls. :loco:

I do think that Power Metal could be a huge hit in the states. It could be "big" in a similar to what "arena rock" was back in the day.
Let me ask you - if it hasn't happened by now, what makes you think it will happen down the line? I'm just trying to be realistic here, you know, since Helloween emerged in the mid-to-late 80's. I'm sincerely curious. :cool:
Here's my take on why power metal COULD become huge in the states. There is suddenly a comeback in the "guitar hero" department! Kids are wanting to hear some real guitar playing with solos as opposed to downtuned/open chords and every band sounding the same. Thus, I am seeing kids in my area wearing Iron Maiden and Slayer t-shirts instead of Slipknot and Insane Clown Posse. (vomit) Anyways, if they're like me...they will soon start to crave some new fresh music and branch out from the "standard" metal fare and try something new. This happened to me about 6 months ago...I have always been a metalhead, but more or less stuck in the KISS/VH/OZZY/MOTLEY/METALLICA and the like mode. Enter Sixxswine....we have traded tapes and cds and videos for some time and probably seen every Motley bootleg there is. The swine began to get into heavier and more underground bands, and in turn, got me into them. I had always liked bands like Slayer, Venom, Death Angel and stuff but never really tried obscure bands like HAMMERFALL, STRATOVARIOUS, CONTROL DENIED, etc. Then Johnny D, Greeno and all the boys got me into EDGUY and all that....so my point is that if metal in general makes a big comeback then kids will be more apt to try new stuff and seek out POWER METAL and then it could become huge in the states....I hope this makes sense and doesn't sound like a random rant...
Not that bad of an EP, after a disapointing Mandrake.
My main problem with Edguy is the repetitiveness of their (happy?) choruses, otherwise I still love Vain Glory Opera.
Hope they come back to a heavier and riff-oriented approach with the new album.
Greeno said:
I don't think that's true, any band... ANY BAND.... be it metal, rap, rock, dance, goth, punk what ever, wants to break in the USA. Why? One reason.... MONEY.

I understand what you are saying, that there is no Power Metal scene here in the states, but believe me, somewhere someone is planning on how to break the PM band that they represent into the US market. Will they be successful... the odds are against them but they will still try because of the money to be made.

But then again all it takes is that one Power Metal band to open the doors and a scene could develope in the States. I remember when Nirvana got signed to a huge deal with Geffen. I'd been listening to (and loving) Bleach for over a year and I found it insane that Geffen would give them that kind of money. I never thought the average American listeners would accept them ..... but they did. MORAL = never say never.
Excellent, I couldn't have said it better!