Edguy recording new album!


Glorious Imperator
Oct 16, 2003
Stockholm, Sweden
edguy.net said:
After a successful world tour with more than 100 concerts all over the globe in support of their latest release "Tinnitus Sanctus" in 2008, Edguy have entered the studio to record a new album. Still under the influence of their arena tour as special guests of "the Scorpions" and the latest "Avantasia" world tour (featuring Tobias Sammet and Felix Bohnke), Edguy feel it's about time to squeeze their energy on tape in a recording studio again. This time the band has chosen the famous Peppermint-Park in Hannover (Scorpions, Phil Collins), according to the band " a recording temple with a tremendously great sounding room". Tobias comments: "We have chosen the Peppermint Park to record the basics there. I had done a few little bits and pieces for Avantasia there, but it's so great to record drums and stuff like Hammond B3 with a big bad fat mean Leslie there. The room is big and the sound is mean! We were always striving for a powerful but natural sound. I guess we had a good sound recently, but I think there is always room to improve. The more I listen to what's going on in the Heavy Metal world these days, the more I long for drums that sound like drums. I want them to sound powerful without sounding like Atari. Sascha and I came to the conclusion that we have to start from scratch and do things the way they have to be done, not the fashionable way. I don't want a distorted master-copy, just so it is loud enough on an iPhone or on PC-speakers. If you talk to your most fancy producer he will say something like: "Well, it's the sign of the times, you have to be able to compete in the loudness war..." What the fuck?! If I want it to be loud I turn up the stereo. I want dynamics, room, a real big sound, not that distorted trendy compression. Why don't we all move back a little and record great sounding music, not loud sounding music? Do a Google search for "loudness war" and you'll see what I mean. Whatever, the new songs sound great, we have thirteen of them, and we'll pick maybe ten and put them on the album. We have anthemic melodies, although it's not kitsch. When you record anthemic music, you tend to be dangerously close to kitsch, it's a fine line and I think we balance on that fine line pretty well. To cut a long story a little insignificantly shorter: I just think it is great, and that's what counts. Real music, you know? We'll keep you informed, if you want it or not! ;-)

What do you guys think? What are your expectations? Mine are not that high, unfortunately, but anything might be better than Tinnitus Sanctus. I'm not expecting them to go back to the old school Edguy, but a mix of Mandrake, Hellfire Club and Rocket Ride would be nice.
I'm really glad to hear his take on the loudness war - if that's any indication of the production quality of the album, I think I'll be really pleased with it.

As for the music itself... Would I mind the glory days of pure power metal Edguy coming back? Absolutely not. But other than Rocket Ride being a little hit and miss with me, I thought Tinnitus Sanctus was a really good record, 'power metal' or 'hard rock' or whatever anyone wants to call it. After all, if I want to hear more power metal... I'll throw on Theater of Salvation or Mandrake. But I really like what they did on Tinnitus (Ministry of Saints, Pride of Creation, Speedhoven, Dragonfly, etc.) and I'm very excited to hear what they come up with for the new album. I'm a sucker for Tobi's voice, so I can't say I'll be disappointed with whatever comes out.
Will be interesting to find out what it's like. I did quite like Tinnitus Sanctus, but I kinda felt like the sound production didn't suit them but there's definitely some great songs on there. 'Dead or Rock' and 'Speedhoven' in particular spring to mind.

I actually really liked Rocket Ride! Great variety and some brilliant songs on it, including the amazing 'Sacrifice'.

Obviously anything in a similar vain to songs from 'Theater of Salvation', 'Mandrake' and 'Hellfire Club' for the new album would probably impress me!
After about, what, five years since Rocket Ride came out, I really think there's only one song I can actually say I dislike, and that's the title track itself. Something about the chorus just really irks me. Some others I really do love (Sacrifice, Save Me, Out of Vogue) and others I'm just kind of indifferent towards (like Superheroes - it's not bad, but it's not incredibly either, to me). Sacrifice is absolutely killer live, though.

Would be nice if they did a small tour where they only played material from pre-Hellfire, though, just for nostalgia's sake and to please some bitter fans :lol:
I understood it more as Steve admiring Edguy's devotion to the new rock direction they've been taking!

At least I hope so.. People dislike Mandrake? Blasphemy :lol:
Exactly, my dear Nippleson ... Mandrake is the perfect Edguy album. The blend of speedy songs, anthemic mid-tempo songs and fucking heavy stuff (Nailed to the Wheel comes to mind) just hits the spot.
Exactly, my dear Nippleson ... Mandrake is the perfect Edguy album. The blend of speedy songs, anthemic mid-tempo songs and fucking heavy stuff (Nailed to the Wheel comes to mind) just hits the spot.

It's gotta be a tie between Mandrake and Theater of Salvation for me. I actually don't enjoy Nailed to the Wheel all that much but pretty much every other song is amazing. Theater of Salvation has some of their best stuff though, I don't know which I could choose between!
I still love Hellfire Club, couldn't necessarily put it at the top though! That one's definitely where they began changing their sound. The Piper Never Dies feels like their last true 'epic', because as awesome as Sacrifice is, it's missing that element their previous long songs had. Not sure what it is exactly, it's just a bit different.
I loved Tinnitus Sanctus. Yeah I said it. I also loved Rocket Ride. All of it. And the Superheros E.P. And Mandrake. And Hellfire actually. Theater's pretty good too. A band that doesn't take themselves too seriously is always good craic. Roll on the new album!
Loved Mandrake......Loved Theater of Salvation....got to admit I've hardly played Tinnitus for a number of months.

I do find their "silly" lyrics a bit irritating at times though. I've never really wanted humour in my music.......for me that's what Ross Noble and Bill Bailey are for! lol!
Happy to say I share both Steve's taste in comedians and Edguy albums :lol: Can't knock a bit of Lavatory Love Machine, mind!

Always excited to hear Tobias is working on something, really looking forward to this even if Tinnitus was a let down (not awful, just rather average). And I would like some deviation from the Rocket Ride sound. Sorry but I fell in love with the Edguy thickly-sliced power metal not the smearing of hard rock they've tipped towards.
Yeah. Would love to hear a song with an intro like Arrows Fly... or even another ballad like Land of the Miracle!