Edguy's PPV itenerary...


Crazy on a ship of fools
Dec 11, 2002
Well...it seems it's confirmed...

With Edguy being so busy before and after the show, I guess the PP crowd gets screwed out of its quality time with a crowd fave headliner.

If you haven't figured it out...face the facts...no Edguy boys at the pre-party...no hanging out on Friday night...and certainly no hanging around on Saturday...

Here's just another example of a band winging in-then-out of a PP festival.

God bless Glenn for bringing them back...he has voiced his displeasure in the past of other promoters taking advantage of his expense and efforts and stealing a band once they're on these shores...I wonder how he feels about this...

Seeing Edguy close Saturday night will be one hell of a close to one hell of a party...but their scheduling before and after leaves a lot to be desired for the PP crowd...

Remember 2 years ago when Tobi promised they'd be back with at least a 20-date North American tour? Some promise...

Very disappointing...
Daybreaker said:
Whered you find out they wont be there on Friday? I know theyre in Montreal on the day of the preparty but I'm at least hoping theyll make it down for Friday.

Don't know for sure, Ben...just speculation on my part.

That would be the optimistic response, I guess, to hope that they haul ass to Atlanta and be present for the fans on Friday.

We can only hope...

Rock on!
Edguy will arrive in Atlanta on Friday at 4:30pm.

As for other promoters "stealing" the bands, I have built in clauses in my contracts that protect me from a financial standpoint. As long as the festival continues to sell-out, I don't mind working my ass off to get these bands over here.

Glenn H.
Harvester said:
Edguy will arrive in Atlanta on Friday at 4:30pm.

As long as the festival continues to sell-out, I don't mind working my ass off to get these bands over here.

Glenn H.
And a big THANK YOU for that! :worship: :D :headbang: :kickass:
Just got my tickets for the Edguy show in West Hollywood.......due to my work schedule, I can't attend PP this year, so seeing the Ed-guys 20 minutes from home is a blessing! Nightwish and Edguy within a month of each other......amazing.
Screwed? You're calling this getting screwed?

Screwed would be Glenn saying, "ehh... I don't feel like putting on a concert this year. I'ma take all the money and live in the Samoan Islands."

You say you're getting screwed. Hmm. I say you should be humbled and penitent! How many concerts do you even get to meet the band, ONCE? How many bands even bother to come over to the US for only a single show? How many bands have enough time during a tour, to hang out with a buncha fans and have beer-balancing contests in a bar til the wee hours? How many bands would DARE hang out with fans this way, in fear of getting mauled by drunken fools and strangers? Last time I checked, Nickelback didn't party with their fans in Portugal.

I am proud and appreciative that any band gets to perform at Prog Power. And I shall not be so arrogant as to demand a band hangs out with me. I shared Budweisers with Eggi last time, yakking about bass guitars, and had a blast, only because I accidentally ran into him! That doesn't happen often to us mere mortals.

Glenn, ignore the hecklers and nay-sayers and people who can never be satisfied even when perfection is handed to them. You do a fantastic job every year. Better than anyone else in America is brave enough to do. And sooner or later I hope to shake your hand and thank you in person.
Goddam dude, lay off the caffeine...

First off, I've been very lucky to hang out with many bands throughout the years post-show...too many to mention...I've been around, and won't bore you with the details...

Second, I am proud and appreciative of the whole PPUSA experience...and I'm one of the first ones to gush embarrasingly about what an awesome experience the whole festival is thanks to Glenn's forethought and sense of style. Heckling and nay-saying...I would never presume to...and I think (hope) that Glenn knows that...

Bottom line: When the line-up was first announced, my first thought went to the pre-party (something that I know Glenn has no direct control over) and how cool it would be this year. Last year, for example, my group had a blast with Jon Oliva, the CIIC boys, the Pagans, and the SS boys from Italy. Thinking about the groups in the line-up this year...depending who's there on Thursday...might be one hell of a party!

It is disheartening that Edguy is not allowing more time (for themselves as well as the fans) for the whole PP experience. It's the same every year, one band or another is making a last minute entrance or exit in some fashion or another. The band loses out as well, cuz the ones that do immerse themselves in the experience always seem to have a blast as much as the fans.

Without knowing the whole story (or putting words in Glenn's mouth), I know that he has made casual, off-hand statements in the past expressing frustration over bands being booked elsewhere so close to his festival...that's all I know...I'm glad to see that he has some form of contractual "protection" (for lack of a better term) on his end...but that's not the point...and none of my business, really...

Let Edguy play all the shows they want. I wish this North American market would support them so much more than it does already, but it's a shame (for all involved) that their schedule is so tight at PP...and they are such a crowd fave...you've got to figure that their exposure will be limited...disappointed, that's all.

So don't misconstrue my disappointed bitching as an attack on Glenn or the festival, cuz it just isn't true.

Humbled and penitent for you? My ass!

Proud to be a PPUSA GB holder? You bet!

And will be for many more years to come!

Rock on!
Dont get me wrong, I'm glad to even SEE Edguy much less hang with them. But ever since Prog Power I've been "spoiled" so to speak in the sense that I expect every band I see to hang out with their fans, and you know what? Ever since Prog Power that's happened. From chilling with Omen and Helloween before and after the show, to talking with Helloween at the hotel, to chatting it up with Evergrey and Bodom for hours before their show and at the bar, to going to Wal Mart with Jon Schaffer. I think metal bands at least are appreciative of their fans.

I didn't even KNOW Jon Shaffer was going to be there! He was just announced in the little newspaper brochure they hand out, and that was how we found out!

I do not go to Prog Power expecting ANYTHING other than the concert. I'm sorry, but it's a personal philosophy I carry.

Never expect anything. You'll only be disappointed. Expect nothing, for you'll be that much more appreciative when you do get something.

Maybe I'm being harsh.

Maybe I'm being bitchy.

But reading your post, was like reading a 4th grader's post, bitching about not getting chocolate milk at lunch in school.

Think of it this way: There's fans who just couldn't afford the time, money, travel, or whatever, to make it to Prog Power. Or who couldn't get the tickets in time! Or now have to resort to Ebay for the tickets! And the venue has a very limited and VERY exclusive seating capacity. If there are venues that Edguy, or ANY band can play while making the trip overseas for Prog Power, more power to em! (Heh heh... more 'power'... heh heh) I agree, that if these additional opportunities conflict with Glenn's desires or requirements, then that's a shitty thing. But if they've got die-hard fans up in Canada or over in California praying for the opportunity as we all do, why should they be excluded, due to a scheduling conflict?

Example: I've seen Symphony X 4 times in the span of a year and 2 days. I'm completely appreciative of that opportunity. And there are fans who still haven't seen them yet. Fair? No. Opportunistic? Yeah, cuz they just so happened to come to Detroit three times. Would I not go and support them? Shit no! I'ma go and rawk till I drop!

But if they went on tour, and I didn't get to see em twice, I dare not say that I'm disappointed, or 'screwed' out of the opportunity.

Enjoy the rare opportunities we are priviledged to experience. And never take them for granted.
Daybreaker said:
Dont get me wrong, I'm glad to even SEE Edguy much less hang with them. But ever since Prog Power I've been "spoiled" so to speak in the sense that I expect every band I see to hang out with their fans, and you know what? Ever since Prog Power that's happened. From chilling with Omen and Helloween before and after the show, to talking with Helloween at the hotel, to chatting it up with Evergrey and Bodom for hours before their show and at the bar, to going to Wal Mart with Jon Schaffer. I think metal bands at least are appreciative of their fans.

Right on, Ben...thanks for the back-up.

Taking Jon to Wal-Mart to buy t-shirts...that IS a classic!

Rock on!
Bryan316 said:
I do not go to Prog Power expecting ANYTHING other than the concert. I'm sorry, but it's a personal philosophy I carry.
Nice philosopy, good for you. It's boring as hell, but hey, whatever works. Live and let live I say!

Bryan316 said:
Never expect anything. You'll only be disappointed. Expect nothing, for you'll be that much more appreciative when you do get something.
Did a woman teach you that?

Bryan316 said:
Maybe I'm being harsh.

Bryan316 said:
Maybe I'm being bitchy.

Bryan316 said:
But reading your post, was like reading a 4th grader's post, bitching about not getting chocolate milk at lunch in school.
The last f#&ker that took my choco milk had his arm broken...I was an angry young man. And when they changed to regular milk only....oooh...I won't go into details, but let me tell you I was pretty darn peeved!

Bryan316 said:
Enjoy the rare opportunities we are priviledged to experience. And never take them for granted.
Oh please...I didn't sign up for the Dr. Phil show...

In all sincerity...enough already...I get it...you didn't like my post. It's not a reflection on Glenn or even any of the Ed-guys, but it is a bit of a shame. But that's why we post on this goddam addictively entertaining and informative forum, to rant and rave about the little minute details of this obsession that is PPUSA (specifically) and metal (in general).

But if you tell me one more fucking time to be grateful for what I have...oooh...I don't know...but I might be pretty darn peeved...take a month off of work, jump in my Jag, go chill in my beach house, cruise the shore in my boat, drink martinis, throw hot tubs parties, and try to envision a life that just doesn't completely suck so much.

'Nuff said!

Rock on!



:yell: MARTINIS AIN'T METAL!!! :yell:

Git yoself a Waborita or four.

And my little philosophy isn't boring. It simply keeps me from getting my hopes up and letting them get crushed all the time. I live a pretty adventurous, creative, and happy life. I just don't bitch about things as much as others.
Just cuz I'm a metalhead doesn't mean I swill Bud from a bottle, but I'm not some Cosmo-guzzling fag either (oh god, probably just opened another can of worms).

Personally, I'd prefer a quality tequila I can sip on or shoot rather than ruining good booze by making some sweet lime-aid bastardization (and I'm in South Texas for godsakes)...

Some of us just have sophisticated tastes...and (I know it's hard to understand) HIGH EXPECTATIONS of quality in all things.

Things like: music...food...liquor...women...hmmmm....

Hmm...I'm already rocking...but now I'm hungry, thirsty and horny....whaddayaknow?

Peace between us Bryan...you've been a worthy adversary...even if you're a bit single-minded (slap! hehe)...

I'll raise a glass of frothy malted beverage to you, man!

Rock on!
Tonight, we need not any froth.

Tonight, we drink like vikings.


...we drink MEAD!!!

I ain't shittin you. I'm going to that winery and gettin me a pint of mead, by golly. Haven't had any in a year, and after a worthy word war, it's time to pay homage to my Norse ancestors.


I'm Hungarian.



Got a black metal song idea floating around here somewhere...

Moral to the story: Always strive for the finest things in life, but appreciate what you do find.

And yes, a keg of anything is metal by default! The bloody keg itself is metal!!!