Had a dream about PP last night


Regor:1 Cancer:0
Sep 13, 2005
Detroit RAWK City
I had a dream last night about being at the (future) PP festival before the "actual" final year of the festival, whenever Glenn decides it's time to close the fest.

I was in the crowd, and everyone was watching the Roster Teaser video for the following "final" year. And then it comes time to announce the Saturday headliner. The FINAL band to ever play the PPUSA stage. And the screen just shows black with white lettering:

"This band needs no introduction"


And you hear "Pull Me Under" start to play

One can dream, right? :OMG:
Uh, yeah? Why else would I make a post saying "I had a dream..."

I'm not Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. :loco:

Lol!! I was just asking cause it could had been a daydream, like a wish more than an actual dream! Hell of a vivid dream!!
I know!! That's why I had to share it. Maybe I'm clairvoyant? :Saint:

I'll be honest, Roger. When I was reading your post I tried to put myself in that situation (as if I were there watching the video during the announcement).

The whole situation exactly how you described, made the hair in my arm stand up. Shivers down my spine.

That is my idea on how to perfectly end the festival.
I'll be honest, Roger. When I was reading your post I tried to put myself in that situation (as if I were there watching the video during the announcement).

The whole situation exactly how you described, made the hair in my arm stand up. Shivers down my spine.

That is my idea on how to perfectly end the festival.

The only better way is with the impossible dream of Ayreon...
Who? :loco:

I think DT is a much bigger name than Ayreon, hence the epicness :rock:

Yeah but this crowd doesn't clamor for DT like it does for Ayreon. You can see DT every year in many places but Ayreon almost never in any place.

I don't really want DT at the fest, honestly. I'd much prefer the bucket list acts that Glenn brings over every year.
If Dream Theater was to play the fest, i'd be mightily disappointed. I could see them in Boston twice or three times a year if I wanted.
The bad news is that the album they choose to play in its entirety is Systematic Chaos, with the encore being a 30 minute version of Space Dye Vest.

OK, for some an extended version of SDV would be a godsend, but I really hate that song.
Space Dye Vest is one of the greatest songs ever written.

But the live videos of them playing it from like 2012 or whatever are fucking cringeworthy. Ruddess makes the song a bunch of unrecognizable piano wanks, and James's voice... Meep.
Because the live version of it is terrible. Blame Jordan I-Don't-Know-What-Subtlety-Is Ruddess.