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Metal Lover in Ohio
May 9, 2006
Toledo, Ohio
Something really cool happened today and I wanted to share it! I ocassionally sell CD's I no longer want on, and when I ship a CD to the purchaser, I throw in one of the extra PP samplers. Both me and my husband attend each year, so I always have an extra copy. I recently sold a Star One cd, and the buyer wrote me back the following email:

Just finished listening to the ProgPower sampler you sent me , along with the Arjon Lucasen cd - Star One.
Wow - I had no idea there was that much out there, let alone an ongoing festival in Atlanta~! Thank You again for this gift~!
Also noticed one of the tracks has John Petrucci listed as playing with Derek Sherinian. Have been a longtime fan of Dream Theater but never heard of any of these other bands -- all great~!


I thought that was pretty cool! Once I run out of samplers, I'll start including the PP business cards. It's an idea any of you who sell CD's online might want to try as well.
That's cool of you to do. I have a sampler that I've grabbed at every ProgPower I've attended so far, but it's good to see that they're being put to an even better use.