Effects and Recording


Ravenous Dead
Jun 4, 2002
Salinas, California
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A question for the guitarists and bassists. When you record, do you prefer to play with your effects (specifically those like Delay, Flange, Phase Modulation, etc) in the signal chain, or to add them in the mix?

There's a certain advantage to adding them in the mix, being able to control every aspect of how it's applied and getting it the exact way you want. However, when you're soloing or improvising (especially if you're doing something more jam orientated in the recording studio) effects can tend to lead your playing and affect what you do play.

So what is everyone's preference?
Major effects are about always added in the mix. Once they are on tape, you cannot change them.
If someone is in need of hearing what their guitar, etc sounds like with effects while recording(at least in a studio), the signal off the channel can be routed through your boxes so you only hear them on your moniter headset.