Egotism, Arrogance, and Metal


Nov 19, 2001
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I am an egotistical arrogant metal loving bastard. Unfortunately it seem most of the posters on this board fit the same description. Is anyone else tired of people needing to be right on every subject- or people thinking their musical taste is superior to anyone else? I am guilty of many of these offenses, but I suppose I can acknowledge that I have a problem, many others on this board cannot. I think the main problem is the anonymity of posting. One is not confronted by a real live person to argue, nor does one know who the other person is- its maybe too liberating, our worst manners, egotism, arrogance come out into the open.

Just something thats been on my mind for a few weeks.
The fact is that everyone in this world always think they're right, and that creates some problems.
But people cant just change how they are and act.
And to close this post nicely, yes I'm definitely one of those bastards who always think they're right :lol:
Maybe the stirring of passions is what brings about these egos and this arrogance.

There are few things that I care a whole lot about in this world, and heavy metal, in all its uniqueness, is one of them.
I'd say there's too many of them here, of course I'm guilty of that kind of arrogance, but usually that only comes out if somebody makes a statement that's out of complete ignorance, though.
I'm elitist, egotistical, arrogant, etc. in some respects, mostly in that I see the complex metal bands I listen to as superior to all popular music such as hip hop, pop punk, pop rock, etc. However, I never insist that a metal band that I like is better than a metal band I don't like which has equally good musicians. In other words, I am not arrogant towards other metalheads, but I will for instance sometimes let hip hoppers with an attitude know that metal shits all over their rap, though I try not to do that so much anymore.
Life Sucks said:
I see the complex metal bands I listen to as superior to all popular music such as hip hop, pop punk, pop rock
pretty much the same for me, I feel thats its right to argue that my music is better because its basically made more out of talented musicians rather than an image, producers and recordcompanies.
Edgecrusher said:
Maybe the stirring of passions is what brings about these egos and this arrogance.

There are few things that I care a whole lot about in this world, and heavy metal, in all its uniqueness, is one of them.
Agree 100%
I wouldnt say im egotistic or arrogant but im definitely elitest, and i openly acknowledge it but im not going to stop, i like being elitest lol and i have no idea why

It does piss me off though on here when you try and make your opinion on a thread and some cunt just keeps saying you're wrong, acts like they're above you and it just puts you off posting there again because it ruins things. I do agree though with what edgecrusher said. I dont really like singling out people but whenever i see luminousaether starting to post on a thread, i tend to stop posting there :p
I only enjoy insulting twats that dont know what they're talking about and try to enforce that their opinion is the correct one when its so obviously isn't.

When I talk to people, in real life, about other music I tend not to talk about metal at all unless they start the conversation about it, as most of the time they're too closed minded to accept that someone "normal looking" can enjoy listening to such extreme music.

I may come off as a bit of a cunt sometimes as Metal Boards aren't exactly the most hospitable of places to discuss something I'm so possionate about. I know that I normally think I'm right when it comes to a debate that I think I know enough about to construct a strong argument and find it hard to admit defeat unless its fuckin obvious and/or I've been blatantly owned.

speed said:
I think the main problem is the anonymity of posting.
Exactly. I reckon if people from here were to actually meet each other and have a discussion about metal everyone would be able to carry the discussion better than just petty insults and pot shots at their opinions and likings towards bands.

Recently on more than one message board I've realised that I'm not well liked, Metal Crypt inparticular, so I've tried to cut down on the snide remarks and smarmy comments that I quite often come out with.

Life Sucks said:
I'm elitist, egotistical, arrogant, etc. in some respects, mostly in that I see the complex metal bands I listen to as superior to all popular music such as hip hop, pop punk, pop rock, etc. However, I never insist that a metal band that I like is better than a metal band I don't like which has equally good musicians. In other words, I am not arrogant towards other metalheads, but I will for instance sometimes let hip hoppers with an attitude know that metal shits all over their rap, though I try not to do that so much anymore.
Arguments are love. There will of course be the occasional punk who can't face up to the challenge of formulating real ideas and arguments, but be patient! If one approach doesn't work, there will more than likely be some other way. Don't bother with the kids who go "I don't care" and then shut up. Pushing the buttons on someone who says "I don't care" and still posts a reply is one of the greatest pleasures of discussions of all kinds. Arrogance, egotism and other vices are some of the funniest opponents in any debate.
If i may further elaborate on my comments. I am primarily pissed off at how some board members turn to insults, rather than arguments. Many instead of having an actual argument or true belief in something, decide to make petty insults, and declare they are right, despite a total lack of persuasion or logic. I really am getting tired of this, its one thing to be an ass, its another to be a close minded idiot, with nothing to say but insults.
I like what I like and no one can do anything about it. Some of people here seem to be a little ridiculous when they come on here with their opinions passing them off as fact, when in reality, they're just opinions. This is better than that, in ones own mind.

Bleh?! Take that for what it is. It makes sense to me...

Just to add a little bit more to my initial response...

I do not consider myself to to be egotistical or arrogant. However, I do think highly of myself only because I think it's wrong to look down upon oneself... I mean it's unhealthy! You can't go around life with a low outlook of yourself... That's called mopin' around, lookin' for pity...
None_So_Vile said:
I wouldnt say im egotistic or arrogant but im definitely elitest, and i openly acknowledge it but im not going to stop, i like being elitest lol and i have no idea why
Just a question...

Why do you think that you are better than some people?
speed said:
I think the main problem is the anonymity of posting. One is not confronted by a real live person to argue, nor does one know who the other person is- its maybe too liberating, our worst manners, egotism, arrogance come out into the open.

This is pivotal I think. The internet allows for endless flaming without the ness to challenge your adversary face to face (somehting of which I am most definitely guilty!).

It also means that you are not pressurised into giving an answer off the top of your head as you might in a face to face argument - you can think of the best (most witty) thing to say for as long as you want before sharing it. This is definitely the case for me, although at the end of the day I don't take any of it seriously.

Back to the main theme though, I do think there is a lot of arrogance and egos in metal. I've noticed that since being registered here, I've picked up that attitude a bit. It's contagious! lol

I think this is due to the fact that listening to other opinions does make you more open minded and conscious of things - in this case how good music actually is.

I'd say that one of the great things about the forums and the internet in general is that all are free to say whatever they want, whenever they want without the fear of confrontation or tarnishing one's reputation. Quite frankly, I don't take anything I read here personally, nor do I post with a great degree of seriousness myself. The fact is, who cares? I never plan on meeting any of you in person, nor do I plan on associating myself so profoundly with a mere forum. What kind of world would we live in if we weren't allowed to vent our frustrations by ranting endlessly and senselessly to other people who don't really give a crap about your opinions or what you have to say? I actually find it quite comical when someone loses their mind on a message board, which is why I take pleasure in provoking an argument. Debate is a very standard form of communication, and we all know that conversing would be boring without it. If you actually tend to get angry or even too contemplative or obsessive over a complete stranger's comments on a messageboard, I would recommend therapy.

But all seriousness aside, I think it's clearly obvious that my opinions are gospel and that I am the greatest person in the world. I love me. :)