Anyone watching Martin Scorcese's The Blues?


Nov 19, 2001
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I know this is almost a rhetorical question on a metal board- but has anyone else been watching The Blues documentary by Martin Scorcese? I've caught three episodes, and I must say its not only expanded my horizons on music, but led me to have a deeper understanding of rock music in general.
Yeah, I have seen some of it here & there. It's "good" parts of it are kind of dry though. They are issuing this out on DVD it's like 5 DVD's. That's a lot of footage! I'm looking for the SRV & Hendrix compilation discs that they have released to coincide with the show. Check out Eric Sardinas on Vai's Label he's putting out a new cd called "Black Pearls" plays like a madman.
Yeah it has been a little dry- but i was taken aback by the emotion of many of these bands- I mean Johnny WInters guitar oozes emotion- as does Muddy Waters voice. Its just that blues has the one element that metal is lacking; emotion.