Is anyone else here as narrow minded (musically) as I am?

Most people in general listen to pop, across the board. And that has nothing to do with originality. Listening to Metal doesn't make you original. Listening to anything created by someone else doesn't in any way make you original. If you have not surmised my thesis yet, I'm saying that you have a false sense of superiority due to your perception of originality due to the fact that you listen to extreme music and oppose religion.

You put that perfectly in words. I wish I could send that to all of those "holier-than-thou" metal fans that exist out here.
like I said before, black people are afraid to be original. my point exactly. fuck whoever said I was a moron, cause the writing's on the goddamn wall. another example: I've never met a black satanist before. its all "jesus this and jesus that", no sense of shattering stereotypes, just the same old song and dance.

God damn it you are so fucking stupid. I remember when you said this same shit months ago. Maybe you should have experiments done on you or something because there has to be something very, very wrong with your brain.
You put that perfectly in words. I wish I could send that to all of those "holier-than-thou" metal fans that exist out here.
Everyone goes through this phase when they first get into metal. At least I did. Hopefully most people realize that metal is just one of many genres, no better no worse. Now I have respect for people that care about music, no matter what type.
Everyone goes through this phase when they first get into metal. At least I did. Hopefully most people realize that metal is just one of many genres, no better no worse. Now I have respect for people that care about music, no matter what type.

Exactly. If somebody is passionate and is truly into the music that they listen to and understands it, I feel the same way.
God damn it you are so fucking stupid. I remember when you said this same shit months ago. Maybe you should have experiments done on you or something because there has to be something very, very wrong with your brain.

crying about it on an internet forum helps. you should look into it. you probably live in a real whitebread town. I live 15 minutes from the ghetto and I damn well know how black people act. I'd love to just put a well placed kick to your crotch because of YOUR OWN stupidity. put that in your pipe and smoke it, asshole!
People that like Rap aren't supposed to get along with people that like Metal. 'Poor' black people aren't supposed to like white people. And vice versa. It's a stereotype that happens to be true most of the time. I have friends that listen to hip - hop. I even have a couple black friends. I even listen to hip hop occasionally. The love of good music is something universal that overcomes many boundaries.

That being said, I will not listen to commercial rap, any kind of country, pop, alternative music or techno. I just don't like it. If you think it's really good, I'll give it a chance, but I hate it.

Metal, Classical, Jazz, Prog rock, and Jazz fusion are my favorite genres.

Edit - And that college bullshit pisses me off the most. I don't want to ever hear any Counting Crows or Modest Mouse.
crying about it on an internet forum helps. you should look into it. you probably live in a real whitebread town. I live 15 minutes from the ghetto and I damn well know how black people act. I'd love to just put a well placed kick to your crotch because of YOUR OWN stupidity. put that in your pipe and smoke it, asshole!


O noes dont kick me plz
I live 20 minutes away from one of largest ghettos in teh USAs.

And I live in a town that on the outside looks nice but really is a vespertine vipers nest of sublime wickedness
I'm 50 times as narrow minded musically as you are, dude. I listen to black metal. Thats about it. The most recent excursion from black metal was into Siege and Repulsion. Both of which I only sorta semi-liked. However, Black Ambient I like too, so that brings the quota of music types to exactly three.
I'm 50 times as narrow minded musically as you are, dude. I listen to black metal. Thats about it. The most recent excursion from black metal was into Siege and Repulsion. Both of which I only sorta semi-liked. However, Black Ambient I like too, so that brings the quota of music types to exactly three.
You might have me beat. I only listen to metal. And it's probably been a few months since I listened to a CD that wasn't extreme metal, and even much longer since I listened to anything non-metal.