Death Metal Mix... Anyone?

Quick update...

I have found someone to mix my upcoming couple of songs as well as help get me going on mixing my own stuff in the future. I do have some updated tighter played tracks I can post if anyone’s interested in using them as practice...?

I can also post tracks for my second song after it’s released if anyone’s wants some death metal to practice mixing.

You all rule for taking the time to mix this and give it a listen. I’ll be more active one here in a month or so asking for feedback and suggestions on my own mixes.

Also, anyone needing some death metal vocals let me know and I’ll do my best to get you some.
Awesome man! Glad you found someone to help you out! Definitely post some new practice tracks when the time is right, as well as the updated tighter tracks. Makes me wanna get done with all these moving boxes so I can get back to normal and burn this laptop.
...and one more for the road. I had started one from scratch, so I figured I'd at least get it to a presentable state and post it for old time's sake. If anything, this has pushed me to dial in a pretty nasty guitar tone using free sims lol Your playing definitely helped with that! So thanks!! \m/..\m/

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If anyone’s interested in checking out my lastest song here it is below. I could not be happier with the mix and the overall song.

Recorded in my modest little home studio, drums were programmed with EZD and new samples added during mix. Just goes to show you can get a brutal tone/sound/mix from a home studio.

Mixed and Mastered my Chernobyl Studios.