EKTOMORF - Destroy


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
EKTOMORF – Destroy (2004)
Nuclear Blast


1. I Know Them
2. Destroy
3. Gypsy
4. No Compromise
5. Everything
6. From Far Away
7. Painful But True
8. Only God
9. You Are My Shelter
10. A.E.A.
11. From My Heart
12. Tear Apart

This is quite possibly the most blatant ripoff I’ve ever heard. If I didn’t just read their bio sheet I would swear this was SOUFLY. The detuned riffs, the tribal tone, and most importantly the vocals (he sounds just like Max Cavalera, even his pronunciations of certain key words like NO! and MOTHERFUCKER!), this sounds IDENTICAL to SOULFLY.

Okay, the second track doesn’t sound like SOULFLY. It sounds like late period SEPULTURA, complete with leads lifted from (lazy period) Andreas Kisser.

Seriously man, what the fuck?

Glad someone found some enjoyment here. :tickled: Seriously, the dude sounds EXACTLY like Max, it's IIIEIEIRIRIIIRIEWDSS!!!!!!11
Hungarian metal pretty much sucks ... let me say that again ... Hungarian metal pretty much sucks
What address? Your pictar is not coming through on this end if that's what you are referring to (probably Webfocker at work).

I'll look check at home, and I shall mail it.

EDIT: look checking, it's like fact checking without the knowledge.
One Inch Man said:

I can't believe I ended this review with "Seriously man, what the fuck?"
Have you ever noticed the score you gave "Various Artists - Abacus Sampler"? HINT: Look in our A-Z index. Haddise laughs each time she sees this, hehehe.
hahaha nice touch. Good goat that CD was terrible. The voice of a thousand 12 year olds mad at their parents...
Erik said:
:lol: I can see it at home. I'm putting this in the post box dammit. Should I leave the return address off and install some sort of tracking device so we can see where the Sacred Ektoshit promo ends up? Eh, probably too much work. But if we talk about it for another 2 days it'll be self-serving entertainment!
At minimum, pick a random town and state - e.g. Springfield, MA.

Provide URL to this forum.

See who shows up. :lol: Knowing our luck, it'll be Ed Gein's grandson.
I don't know how USPS works, but the Swedish post tends to do their very utmost to deliver a letter to someone, so generally if I address a letter to "Bob, Stockholm" it will likely end up in someone's mailbox. Maybe the USPS is boring and discards stuff that's not addressed correctly, I dunno.
lurch70 said:
Hungarian metal pretty much sucks ... let me say that again ... Hungarian metal pretty much sucks
yeah, i heard a band called tarmenzor or something like that they just hit their instruments like madmen and yelled about someone called elizabeth

swedish mail system rox man but a bit cheaper would be nice
these guys will tour Europe with Kreator next year ... i have to hear some samples of this now.