Elder Scrolls Oblivion ?

Oblivion is fucking awesome.... if you have hella life to waste. i've played for like 25 hourss and i've forced myself to stop its just so ridiculously addictive and fun.
metalskater7 said:
Wait, Morrowind isn't an mmo?

LOL Morrowind is a single player game.. MMO stands for Massive Multiplayer Online... like thousands of people playing together on the same server.
Tempest said:
MMORPGs are for fags, anyone that plays WOW is braindead.

..and a homo

That's what they think until they see my troll hunter named FINNTROLL!!

My undead mage named Xul (behemoth song)

And my troll rogue named Vanadis (Falkenbach song)
you play an MMO and have multiple characters? i dont understand, like, i play about 2 hours a week of video games, how much time does the average MMO player spend playing a week? I guess it's more becasue they gotta pay to play monthly. but still.
it always depends. Like this month I'm having a bunch of exams so I don't play at all, but some other months, I play mostly on weekends, maybe 10 hours or so per week. These other characters are called "alts" and are there if I'm bored with Finntroll, which is my main character.
AsModEe said:
it always depends. Like this month I'm having a bunch of exams so I don't play at all, but some other months, I play mostly on weekends, maybe 10 hours or so per week. These other characters are called "alts" and are there if I'm bored with Finntroll, which is my main character.
Heh, my main is named Jakten Tid.
And Tempest, you just need to play with moderation. Sadly, most people can't do that.
metalskater7 said:
Heh, my main is named Jakten Tid.
And Tempest, you just need to play with moderation. Sadly, most people can't do that.
hehe yeah I know some people in my guild are married with a baby yet they play WoW 3-4 hours a day. On ventrilo (system used to talk via internet for those who don't know) you can often hear their baby crying in the background when they talk :(
well in morrowind or obvlivion, do i have to spend time walking around in a circle just bashing enemies untill i get enough EXP to move on to fight something bigger?
Actually, you may find yourself actively trying to avoid leveling up. In Oblivion, the monsters are scaled to your level so the game difficulty actually goes up if you level without having decent equipment/spells. I find this sort of freeing.