Electric Messiah


May 2, 2011
I really enjoy that song; I think the chord structure, rhythm and overall instrumentation rock and the song has a good groove. I noticed that the vocal style and rhyme scheme sound similar to Dio. What do you guys think?
It's my favourite song on the album. Beats 'When All is Lost' anyday.

Yeah it does. Outside of that one, I like much of the songs, some of the chorus's though, are a bit odd but the instrumentation is super and performances are as well. I noticed that Pinella seems to use a different tone as well.
I say that too harshly, 'When All is Lost' is a good song, close second in fact but Electric Messiah needs much more attention.
I've listened to it like 6 times more than the rest of the songs on the album and honestly I don't get it at all. I don't like the song yet at ALL at this present moment. People were raving that the solo is amazing but compared to the Dehumanized solo it pales in comparison IMO. Chorus is okay but for the most part the song isn't spectacular to me in comparison to the rest on the album. I consider it filler thus far. Shoot me.
I like the song but I'm not getting what makes it stand out above the other similar songs on the album. I love the weird guitar sound towards the beginning (ever since I heard it in the sample actually, one of the great "electric / mechanical" sounds in the album) and how they link to the verse riff. The verse and chorus are good and they do feature a great vocal performance. The ending is good even though it's a fadeout. The solo is good too but I agree that it doesn't strike me as being one of the best solos on the album, and honestly the instrumental section before it drags very slightly.

Overall a great song (although it was one of the last ones I got into because of it's placement on the album), not one of the ones that stands out as the best to me though.
I definitely think it's one of the stronger songs on the album although the middle section is definitely a domination rip-off haha. I also personally think that every song on this record sounds very different. It's just all in your face metal instead of what they used to do. It's different but just as cool to me in a different way. Maybe that just comes from years of listening to heavier metal :loco: That being said, it would be awesome if their next record had some more variation in song type.
Can't believe some of the posts here! I must be insane or something but Iconoclast is now my favourite album EVER. I haven't stopped listening to it, I love every single song.
Electric Messiah is awesome, but my favourite (if I had to pick) has to be Children of a Faceless God. I love the vocal harmonies in the chorus, when Russ sings "Faceless" the second time round! Actually still buzzing off the album hahaha...
I've been studying music for 13 years. The songs are very similar to each other in many ways; this cannot be disputed.
Nobody gives a fuck. Symphony X have never been a band of great diversity.
"Electric Messiah" has some INTENSE riffs and probably the best chorus the band has ever made. By far my favourite track on the new disc, which is saying something because I enjoy the album tremendously. It's pretty accurately what Symphony X should be doing in my opinion.
I don't think being one dimensional can be a bad thing. When I hear DWOT (album), I think all the songs sounds very close to each other, with maybe Candlelight being an exception. Specially if you watch the Dark Chapter video, the guitar are pretty similar throughout the songs. In Iconoclast, I divide the album in "slow songs", "fast songs", Iconoclast and WAIL. The last two I think are the most different ones from the rest.
Nobody gives a fuck. Symphony X have never been a band of great diversity.
"Electric Messiah" has some INTENSE riffs and probably the best chorus the band has ever made. By far my favourite track on the new disc, which is saying something because I enjoy the album tremendously. It's pretty accurately what Symphony X should be doing in my opinion.

I'm pretty sure many people give a fuck, considering that I was not the first to complain about this.

Congratulations on enjoying a 1-dimensional album, and thanks for coming out.
"Electric Messiah" has some INTENSE riffs and probably the best chorus the band has ever made.

AHhhhHHhHHHHHhhh. I'm going to go kill myself now. FML.

Are you serious?? Most intense riffs and best chorus the band has EVER made. Please retract this statement before I die a slow painful death. Unless I am in the minority, in which case I shall quit listening to music forever.