Elephant Man


Junior Member
May 29, 2001
London, England
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man, i didn't cry at my grandads funeral, but... well i didnt cry after this either but, man its sad. my mum was in tears for ages, i had to actually sit next to her and hug her, she was that sad. i know the films 20 years old but, hey thats the first time ive seen it. hmn, its one of those fuck you up for the rest of the day films. oh well.
ok its made in 1980's. but its black and white. its just your typical Dumbo The Elephant film to tell you the truth.

some man is deformed, mainly his face is fucked up and his right arm, everyone beats him up and laughs etc. a doctor helps him, more people laugh. he is too scared to speak, then the doctor teaches him again, and stuff like that. needless to say in the end he dies, oh and hes a really good artist, he does some 3D model of the Abbey thingy in London all from guessing as he can only see the top of it. just general stuff, its set in the um, i dunno a long time ago, 1920's maybe, or something like that.

oh yeah and it stars Anthony Hopkins. you should watch it or something, its good the way the scenes stop and fade out a lot, like its chapters in books. dont know who the director is but its done alright.
The director is David Lynch.... The only film of his I've actually liked! It was on TV on Saturday, and yes, it is a truely moving film. Documents how terrible humans can be to people who are different :cry:
If you ask me sad movies are the best and the best movie I've ever seen is "Breaking the waves"!! Love shit, but a masterpiece. I can also highly recomend:
Schindler's List
The Green mile
I can also recommend the following films. They aren't really sad in that way, but it's films that give me the feeling of something "major" if you can put it that way. If I put on "True Lies" I think "It's good", but when I saw one of the following films I thought "This is one of the best films I've ever seen!!":
Carlito's Way
The Last of the Mohicans
Legends of the fall
The usual suspects. I saw it when it came out on video, so I can't really remember it, but I saw it aprox. the same time I saw "Casino" the first time and I thought "This is two of the best movies I've ever seen".
And to finish off, a movie that everyone loves to call superb (which I must I do too): Pulp Fiction.
I'm not a big fan of David Lynch. I saw "Lost highway" and it was bad enough, but not more than that. I think that "Eraserhead" was a major piece of crap! I was really anyoed that I spent 2 hours looking at that shit!
Isn't "Mulholland drive" his latest film? I've been told that it should be his least incoherent film. The two I've mentioned were pretty incoherent, so if this is worse, I think I'll stay away from it!
I also think that "Gladiator" is a great film and I also enjoy the three "Back to the future" films. The first is the best in my opinion, the second is almost as good as the first and the third as the weakest, even though it's still a cool movie!
I can also recommend a danish film called "Pizza king", which is without a doubt the best danish film I've seen!!!
Don't think I've ever cried during a film... apart from Star Wars I The Phantom Menace cause I was watching it after a very heavy night and was puking so hard I was leaking water from my eyes...
We had to watch the Elephant Man in drama class last year. Half of the girls in the class were crying during it.

This doesnt have anything to do with much, but has anyone ever watched "Suicide Kings"? That movie is great. WIth all of it's plot twists, and the end is a kick in the nuts.
I saw another "major" film the other day. I kind of hoped it to be a :cry: film, but it wasn't entirely. It was "Savin private Ryan". SUPERB!!!! Among the 10 best films I've seen. It wasn't as good as Spielberg's other WWII movie, "Schindler's List", but that's almost impossible to get as good as that, as "Schindler's List" is the second best film I've ever seen.
If you haven't seen it, check it out!!!
By the way, it's one of two superb films I've seen starring Tom Hanks (the other being "The Green Mile").
Another film that is a little sad has come to mind: "One flew over the cuckoo's nest"!! I don't think it's superb, but it's a good movie and worth seeing!! I'm not too big a fan of movies from before the 80's, but this is one of the better of those! Another good movie (which isn't that sad though) from before the 80's is "Casablanca" with Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. You probably know of it, but if you haven't seen it, I think it's worth checking out!
Hey, another really, really GREAT (the closest to superb you can get) movie I've seen recently is "The game" with Michael Douglas. If you haven't seen it, check it out!!!!
Another great movie I can recommend is "Stigmata"!!