Can anyone help me?

Bitch of Babylon

Been Caught Buttering
Jun 1, 2002
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Im going back into hospital on Monday (dont ask - its all gone pearshaped) and I have to sell my snake as Ive got no one to care for her (and the snake boarding has already cost me a small fortune). Does anyone here want one or know anyone who does?
Shes a 5 year old 7ft Boa Constrictor - Ive had her since she was a bubba. Shes alway eates defrosted rats and is very tame (her names Nala) Im also offering her Vivarium which is HUGE H93cm W38cm L151cm. Its made from MDF and is painted gloss black. Its comes with everything i.e. heatmat, thermostat, Uv lighting, bark, fitted basking/climbing pole.
Im really sad to sell her but I just cant care for her ATM and its not fair on her as she just wants to come out and play.
I dont want much for her just as long as she goes to a good home.:cry:

Sorry to hear that, but i really couldnt look after an animal at the moment, as much as id like to.

Im sure someone could though, so well keep the thread top :)

As Raven said, hope hospital goes well for you.
Originally posted by Raven_1
btw whatever it is youre going into hospital for hope youre ok

Aww thanks. My knee replacement hasnt gone according to plan so Ive got to go back in for 'extensive rehabilitation' *gulp*

I really dont want to let her go but its not fair on her ATM cos she's used to being got out for cuddles and Im just too weak after the op, and now finding out Ive got to go back in has just made realise Ive got to do something.
On a lighter note I should be totally sorted by the time I come out of 'rehab' so take heed Area 54 and get touring!;)
Hope your operation goes well

As for your snake problem, I can't help for two reasons, firstly I'm not a big snake fan and secondly I'm moving back to uni soon and we aren't allowed pets.
I only own dead things, I'm afraid. Living things soon move into the other category after a short while in my care.

Snakes cool though - and ex of mine had a 6ft corn snake - it was great trying to feed it mice, without getting your fingers bitten off :)

Good luck for the op, though!
Thanks everyone you're all so sweet!
Ive had quite a bit of interest thanks to this forum so cheers :)
Ive even got someone to care for her whilst Im in hosp so things are looking up (i.e. may not have to get rid of me lil bubba).
As I said I have already had my op - just didnt go according to plan so Im going into 'rehab' but thanks for all your well wishes.
Im going in tomorrow morning so I'll be signing off for a bit but I'll be back soon with my bionic knee - so watch out groins everywhere! ;)