i just hate to see guys get heartbroken over chicks (they're all evil evil evil!), i guess because i know how it feels. i'm kind of a coward in a way in the fact that i don't let girls close and don't go out of my way to date them. . . it always ends in heartbreak, ruining my life, wasting my time, blah blah blah. i guess i'm just content to hang out with friends, go to parties, listen to music, read, watch sports, movies, just whatever -- basically being FREE to grow/learn/prosper without all the negatives that come with having a girlfriend. i just don't get any! but i'm okay with it. i'm for free-will and happiness. maybe it will change someday, but due to my dating experience, i've discovered that. . . it just isn't worth it!
so go on and go for this girl! care for her, treat her all nice and respectable-like, be happy together. it seems to me from reading this that she is rather shy and tentative from the confusion that results from you two possibly going from a "friend" relationship to a "dating" one. she just looks at you in a different way, which is to be expected. only time and effort will determine if her heart is in it as much as yours is. she asked about that dance, right? go for it, dude, and
use your time, carpe diem, sieze the day, capitalize! she may end up liking someone else or get asked out by another guy. if you're serious about going forward with this thing, you might as well step up to the plate and take a swing! (sorry for the overused metaphor, but it's all i feel like thinking up right now, along with "kicking the field goal", "shooting the free-throw", "choking the chicken", "shaving the carrot". . . wait, scratch those last two. . .) in short: don't wait! do what is in the best interest of her, if she isn't all about the dating thing, then let it go and continue being friends. don't let her break your heart, dude, we NEED you here, you and your constant polls, laffies, red suits, etc. but if you are out on a date, then that is a different story!

also don't read too deeply into the things she says. remember, she is ONE CONFUSED CHICA and may not know the right things to say how she feels.
and most importantly. . .
don't always listen to advice!