Deconstruct my Reality
Forever Waiting....
Will...IMHO I think you are doing the right thing by being honest with your lady friend...but I think you should have snuggled a few times on the couch so she would see you as boyfriend material instead of just friend material know, get her used to the idea...anyway, is this dance an upcoming event? Ask her to go with you. The worst that could happen is that she'll say no...but if she says yes, enjoy the moment for what it is...a great evening out with someone you enjoy being with...and if she says no....well, don't get too down about it. She isn't going to be the only girl you'll ever be interested in, more will come and go. Just always be who you are...a gentleman. (BTW, girls really DO dig that!)
And I think it's terrific that you are such a romantic guy! just means you'll be an attentive lover for some lucky lady when you get in to that!
(If you're not already!) 
So, good luck man...I hope it turns out the way you want it!

And I think it's terrific that you are such a romantic guy! just means you'll be an attentive lover for some lucky lady when you get in to that!

So, good luck man...I hope it turns out the way you want it!