Bit of a serious thread but i would like your help..


Oct 1, 2001
The Devils armpit
How the hell do you get 'Over' somebody

I spit up with this girl (Claire) 3 weeks before christmas we had been going out on and off for 3 years i think im over it but the she willl do something or ill hear something and ill become like the hulk green with envy and then ill go weeks ignoring her (Stupid i know).

Ive gotten into so many fights when we go out as as a group of friends over guys chatting her up.One of the problems is that she works part time at the cinema and i have to see her alot weve tried talking but it gets nowhere shes decided that we should be friends and i understand that its for the best.

Theres no chance of us going back out and now i hear she really likes my mate and theyve gone out to london tonight with other friends and i cant stop thinking about what there doing

:cry: :cry:
Mg puts her AUnti hat on...

well.. ive learnt the hard way that u really have to let her get on...

an ex of mine got married 3 weeks after we broke up.,... and then he got divorced 2mnths later... hmmmmmm

at the time i wanted to kill him and her ..but in the end it was me that was miserable..........
fair enough it didnt work out for them..... but they at least had fun while i was walking round like a bear with a sore head, thretening to beat her head in.. it made me look dumb. and also caused a war between me and my not really worth the hastle! strsangely enough, me and him sorted it out and are now really good mates ( ok so its three yrs later but... )

Unfortunately, u just cant make someone be what u want them to be, and u can pretty much bet that the more u fight a gainst something, then the more likely it is it'll happen, cuz u kind of end up pushing them together more.

Itll be hard to begin with but i guess u just have to try and accept it. it does get easier. even though it doesnt seem like it!

and also if ur really hung up about it... itll put other girls off.... and put it this way, if she doesnt wanna be with u there must be something wrong with HER , not you, so ull soon find someone better!!

GO HUNT! lol

Good luck, it'll be ok mate!!

MG is the best agony aunt ever!! she been there for me loadsa times!!

The best thing to do, is just let time do the healing, it isnt a process u can speed up or anything, and in time feelings will fade and something new will come a long,

they are such cliched words, but are true!!

another cliche - cheer up chuck, plenty more fish in the sea!! ( i hate that one)
thats right......

keep em coming.... ( ok im blushing a lot now)

no probs, raven.... i do what i can, and if it helps then great, if not then at least i tried.

Thanks u just added to my night..... i had a great night caught up with loads of my slinky bitches that ive not seen in a while.... and well... the last song they played before i left was CLOSER, NIN..... i ache a lot now,,, but i wasnt leaving til they played it, though something important was missing.


i need sleep
Originally posted by Selphie

Ever considered a career as an Agony Aunt?! :lol:

Lmao ... my nickname since i was 16 with my 6th form mates has been aunti !!!i even have a dogcollar with it that a mate had engraved for me......
Honestly, its true!

i guess u can call me aunti MG....

im just gonna get a big ego now! lol

i just wish i could damn take my own advice and use it one me!!! grrrrr...:rolleyes: