
Bloody vaginal belch
Oct 20, 2007
I do! :lol:

.. YAH IM DRUNK! SO WHAT? :kickass:

Nah, but ive done allot of thinking the last few weeks.. loads of people dying in my "family"(Grandads etc.), and now im actually thinking about basically quiting playing guitar(Ive been straining my self too much to push my band etc.).. BUT thanks to this forum, i feel like my "purpose" in this world is to bring other bands talents out there for the rest of the world to see(.. Producing.), so thanks guys!
Without you, i would have probably just given up music completely and just said "thats it..".

Gah, fuck it, im drunk!
I WUW U GUISE! :headbang::kickass::lol:
Yeah... I remember the time when I was thinking of quitting drums and music altogether because of my future job as a 3D-artist. I made a thread... and after a couple of days I just came back to my senses and thought I was such a pussy. I stopped thinking about the future and everything got better, and now that I've finished my education as a 3D-artist... I've decided to FUCK that career haha. Life is so much easier now that I'm feeling content with whatever job I get, as long as I have my friends, music/music projects and so on. I don't want to spend the rest of my life clicking on a million fucking polygons for 12 hours a day. Now, add a girlfriend into the picture and I would be very happy with my life!

Oh shit, I side tracked there. What I wanted to say was that this forum can sometimes slap you in the face and wake you up when you're having such thoughts :) And that's great!
I have a huge boner right now, AND ITS EVEN FUCKING BETTER.

naw, all jokes aside:
cool story, bro.
Now that im a sober i really thought "wtf" when i read my own post! :lol:
But the thing i tried to say was:

The band im in right now has gone straight to hell.. As i have a job and live outside of the city and cant rehearse on workdays, now we've ended up not rehearsing at all, because my band mates likes to party on weekends instead of rehearsing.

And now just yesterday i came home from my granddads funereal, i picked up the guitar to play of some steam(Thats my emotion-outlet.), and it just didnt happen.. :erk:
Now days when i play guitar, i dont have the feeling or emotional input to it.. it feels pointless to play guitar because i cant express my self, or get anything creative out of it.

But when i think about producing, it just feels right.. ive always been the guy that brought a real "sound" out of our bands etc.. and now days i can handle mixing etc. pretty well too.
I dont have any access to any good musicians to start a new band, but i do have the chance to start working at a studio, i also know allot of bands that want me to produce their shit.. so it just kind of feels right to stop working on my own shit, and helping others with theirs.
Dude - I can definitely relate (also, sorry about your granddad man :() after a while, I just didn't have the appetite for band politics / bullshit.

Go work in the studio bro. Something will open up for you there more than likely. In the interim, write music... everything you can come up with. That way, when you DO get another band, you can say "Ok boys, here's the songs, learn your parts, and let's go play".

I hate bands. I am working on a project now with only my online friends - WAY better than dealing with the band BS.
Dude, Notuern, whatever makes you happy is of course all that matters, but I have to say I'm kinda sad to read that you're considering giving up playing the guitar to produce; you've got an absurd amount of talent for how long you've been playing dude, and it really sounds like you enjoy it (sounds like it in the playing, I mean), and I would just hate to think that when you've got potential to write amazing music and play some intense RIFFZ you'd rather just devote your time solely to recording other peoples', rather than developing your own - maybe not go to the extreme of totally ditching guitar, just sticking to writing/recording your own music on your own? (programmed drums, online collaborations as Chris mentioned, etc.)
Dude - I can definitely relate (also, sorry about your granddad man :() after a while, I just didn't have the appetite for band politics / bullshit.

Go work in the studio bro. Something will open up for you there more than likely. In the interim, write music... everything you can come up with. That way, when you DO get another band, you can say "Ok boys, here's the songs, learn your parts, and let's go play".

I hate bands. I am working on a project now with only my online friends - WAY better than dealing with the band BS.

Yeah, i cant stand working in a band any more, especially when i have been the one to carry every one else on my shoulders(No one else is committing anything but me.).

Im seriously considering joining up at the studio, but im going to check with my cousin first.. because he has some contacts in the business, and has worked with Opeth(Watershed & Porcelain heart) & Amon Amarth(The Avanger) doing all the engineering/recording, so he might be able to get me a better gig to start with.

Dude, Notuern, whatever makes you happy is of course all that matters, but I have to say I'm kinda sad to read that you're considering giving up playing the guitar to produce; you've got an absurd amount of talent for how long you've been playing dude, and it really sounds like you enjoy it (sounds like it in the playing, I mean), and I would just hate to think that when you've got potential to write amazing music and play some intense RIFFZ you'd rather just devote your time solely to recording other peoples', rather than developing your own - maybe not go to the extreme of totally ditching guitar, just sticking to writing/recording your own music on your own? (programmed drums, online collaborations as Chris mentioned, etc.)

Thanks dude!
Feels great to hear something like that coming from someone like you.. and it doesnt feel quite right to give up playing guitar, but when ever i pick up a guitar i just feel "whatever" and put it back in the stand.. im not inspired to write, or play.
And its not one of those ups and downs we all have sometimes, it feels different now..

And i will _NEVER_ get rid of my baby:

So that probably means that i wont give it up completely, but i dont know.. we'll see.. im currently thinking about selling of all my amps etc. and buying back my old Kurzweil from my brother, maybe going back to my original instrument will help me get back to playing guitar.

And i dont think i will do any collaborations either.. because its not just working in a band, but each time i pick up the guitar i just feel like i want to get rid of it, and its a VERY intense feeling. :erk:
I've been in your situation a few times; where I just want to get rid of the guitar and forget about playing music. A buddy of mine that also plays told me to keep playing music. Even just for yourself or in your room or just like an acoustic guitar and fuckin around with Beatles songs. It was good advice although simple and sort of "duh." Just keep a guitar laying around if nothing else. They look cool and you ight decide to one day hack around on it. People keep pianos in their house , so you might as well keep a guitar.
Your original instrument was keys, then? That's cool and all, I love keyboard stuff, and I know you say this lack of desire to play guitar feels like it's more than the usual ups and downs, but then again, your grandpa dying is pretty out of the ordinary to, so I still wouldn't be surprised if you're just generally down so you don't really find pleasure in many things, and the guitar unfortunately happens to be one of them. Either way, I think you've got the right idea not planning on totally selling everything, especially that axe! (is that a Kahler Floyd? Doesn't look quite like others I've seen...)
I've been in your situation a few times; where I just want to get rid of the guitar and forget about playing music. A buddy of mine that also plays told me to keep playing music. Even just for yourself or in your room or just like an acoustic guitar and fuckin around with Beatles songs. It was good advice although simple and sort of "duh." Just keep a guitar laying around if nothing else. They look cool and you ight decide to one day hack around on it. People keep pianos in their house , so you might as well keep a guitar.

Yeah man, to me there's definitely a difference in mindset between just playing for the fun of it and actually focusing on trying to write, record, or do something else serious, which is a bit more like work, though I don't resent it because the ends definitely justify the means :headbang: But yeah, I often just like to shred the riffs for the hell of it, and it's fun, the most important thing!

Actually, though, I gave up guitar for like 3 months back in late August '03, the beginning of my Jr. year in high school (mainly because I started at a new school AND got mono, wahoo :Smug: ) - but when I picked it up again around Thanksgiving '03, I tuned my Mom's acoustic down to drop Bb and RIFFED along with Arch Enemy's "Leader of the Rats", asked for an electric for that Christmas (got it, the red Ibanez that Kev now owns), and from then on vowed with a conviction greater than I had ever had before to never stop playing again :headbang: So maybe you do need some time away from it, and hopefully you'll come back the way I did and love it all the more! :kickass:
I feel sorry for your grandpa :( when mine died, a piece of me "went away!!!". That man survived WWII and being a veteran always remembered me how shitty those years were, so I think I'm fortunate to live this moment.
Keep on playing guitar/keys whatever you like the most. now you're really sad for the grandpa but I bet there will be better moments very soon ;)
I've been in your situation a few times; where I just want to get rid of the guitar and forget about playing music. A buddy of mine that also plays told me to keep playing music. Even just for yourself or in your room or just like an acoustic guitar and fuckin around with Beatles songs. It was good advice although simple and sort of "duh." Just keep a guitar laying around if nothing else. They look cool and you ight decide to one day hack around on it. People keep pianos in their house , so you might as well keep a guitar.

Yeah, as i said il _NEVER_ get rid of that Aria(Pro II RS Knight Warrior.).. i have some weird f-ed up "spiritual connection" to it, seriously, every time i play it i get this weird feeling that its a real living thing with a soul. o,0
.. and i HATE that new-age bullshit! :lol:
Im taking that guitar home this week, maybe it will help me "rehabilitate".

Yeah man, to me there's definitely a difference in mindset between just playing for the fun of it and actually focusing on trying to write, record, or do something else serious, which is a bit more like work, though I don't resent it because the ends definitely justify the means :headbang: But yeah, I often just like to shred the riffs for the hell of it, and it's fun, the most important thing!

So maybe you do need some time away from it, and hopefully you'll come back the way I did and love it all the more! :kickass:

Yeah, same here, i used to find it fun to play at home, write and record stuff, but not in a band(or at least THIS band.).
But thats the reason im so "depressed" about guitars now, because i dont get that joy when i pick up a guitar.. i dont feel anything, it just feels pointless to play for some reason.

Yeah, thats what im hoping.. and i cant give up music, because when i havent had that "output" for a while, i seriously start to hear music in my head, and eventually il hear like 10 songs at the same time playing OVER and OVER in my head until i let them out.. so im probably a little bit insane, but that alright! ;)

Your original instrument was keys, then? That's cool and all, I love keyboard stuff, and I know you say this lack of desire to play guitar feels like it's more than the usual ups and downs, but then again, your grandpa dying is pretty out of the ordinary to, so I still wouldn't be surprised if you're just generally down so you don't really find pleasure in many things, and the guitar unfortunately happens to be one of them. Either way, I think you've got the right idea not planning on totally selling everything, especially that axe! (is that a Kahler Floyd? Doesn't look quite like others I've seen...)

But thats the thing, when ever ive been sad, angry or whatever, i always expressed it through music.. so it feels like i should play guitar all the time right now, and i really want to, but i just cant.. but i hope its just a depression(Damn that sounds sick. :lol:).

Yup, i learned to play "havanna gilla" on piano when i was 4 or 5 years old, but i never started to really play keys until my fathers best friend died(when i was 14 i think.), and we inherited that Kurzweil i was talking about.. oh man did i think it was cool to play that thing, i spent _ALL_ my free time playing that thing.. some days i wouldnt even eat and stay up all night.
Then i started to play keys in what was supposed to be a "black" band(Ala. Dimmu Borgir.), but they needed a rythm guitarist so i switched for our first show, ever since then ive been playing guitar.

Its a Kahler Flyer!
I love that tremolo when its cleaned, oiled and has a brand new setup(Its almost as sensitive as a Floyd.).. it acts kind of the opposite of a Floyd, because you can dive like crazy without the guitar loosing tension at all, but when you bend the strings, the tremolo will "store" some of the bend so to speak, so you need to hit the whammy again to get it back in tune(It takes quite a large amount of bending though.).
Its a "hybrid" tremolo.

http://www.kahlerusa.com/pictures/FAB Web Page.jpg

I feel sorry for your grandpa :( when mine died, a piece of me "went away!!!". That man survived WWII and being a veteran always remembered me how shitty those years were, so I think I'm fortunate to live this moment.
Keep on playing guitar/keys whatever you like the most. now you're really sad for the grandpa but I bet there will be better moments very soon ;)

Thanks man!
Sadly, i didnt meet my grandpa to often.. but it still was a dagger through the heart hearing that he had passed away.
What worries me is that someone else close to me will probably die.. it seems to work that way in our family.
Just before my grandpa, my grandma's sister passed away.. so it hit "double" here, and at 2001 my Fathers 2 best friends died(Separate occasions.), and my dads cousin(Who was like a uncle to me.).. before that we had another period like that where 3 close friends/family died, but i hadnt been born yet.
I'm going through my yearly "don't want to pick up my guitar" phase too. I happens to me at least once a year and it has at times lasted for as long as a year plus at times, but most of the time it ends up being a couple of months. It's strange, but when I step away from instruments for a while, I tend to get more creative for doing it. I have not touched my guitar in over three weeks, but I find myself having certain new melodies going on in my head. I've been singing them into my digital recorder just to get them down, but they are starting to come fast and furious so I look at that as a signal that perhaps the break is over and I need to play and record again.

I hope all works out for you and as you can see by the posts here, you are not alone in having periods lacking inspiration.
I'm going through my yearly "don't want to pick up my guitar" phase too. I happens to me at least once a year and it has at times lasted for as long as a year plus at times, but most of the time it ends up being a couple of months. It's strange, but when I step away from instruments for a while, I tend to get more creative for doing it. I have not touched my guitar in over three weeks, but I find myself having certain new melodies going on in my head. I've been singing them into my digital recorder just to get them down, but they are starting to come fast and furious so I look at that as a signal that perhaps the break is over and I need to play and record again.

I hope all works out for you and as you can see by the posts here, you are not alone in having periods lacking inspiration.

Thanks man!
And yeah, ive had a few of those periods too when ive felt completely uninspired etc.. but i have never felt anything similar to this when i pick up the guitar, i become "distressed" and uneasy with playing it, and i cant play anything, because im not motivated to even try a little. ;/

And its cool to hear that someone else has the same syndrome as me!
I start to hear music in my head, and if i wait to long it turns in to several melodies playing at once, and eventually i have a hard time hearing when people are talking to me because i have like 100 melodies running through my head like crazy!

But yeah, thanks dude!
And i really do hope its just a period, but as it is right now, im quitting the band anyhow, and i wont be able to join another one until i get a drivers license, so i'll might as well sell of most of my gear and use that cash just to get my drivers license.
ahh drunken rambles ... is there anything better! DRINK BOY DRINK! soon you'll be in the class of the irish...where you forget your a male, get a woman pregnant at a bus stop and make friends with a cop shop

dont stop playing dam guitar though