Ellestin, you frenchie, get in here

Conspicuously Absent

Linguistically Confused
Mar 27, 2005
you coming to ragnarok?

And for the rest of you, randomly chosen google image search result for "boobs".
To my great displeasure and unfathomable sadness I must pass. I have no vacation left until this summer and my bank account is in shambles anyway. I wish you a great time there and expect a full report complete with drunken pics and Nemtheanga worship.

I'll probably spend at least two weeks in Germny in August though, including a few days in Berlin, so we'll hook up there no doubt!
You search for boobs on Google images and you don't even pick one that shows all? Tisk tisk tisk...

I have my reputation to maintain, or something.

To my great displeasure and unfathomable sadness I must pass. I have no vacation left until this summer and my bank account is in shambles anyway. I wish you a great time there and expect a full report complete with drunken pics and Nemtheanga worship.

Bah! Du arschkrampe! Du solltest dich nur krank melden. Ein Esslöffel Salz auf der Zunge und... :puke: Wenn du in der Arbeit kotzst wird jede dir glauben. :headbang:

and you'd be hardcore. :kickass:

I'll probably spend at least two weeks in Germny in August though, including a few days in Berlin, so we'll hook up there no doubt!

Auf jeden fall. :kickass::kickass::headbang:
yeah, only time I've ever put that into practice was at a chick's house a few years ago, we were in the other room and her dog scarfed down a bowl of chocolates. Thats not healthy for a little dog, so we used half a teaspoon of salt to make it throw it all up.

Its like drinking ocean water. same result.