Hot damn we've lost alot of good posters in 1 year. New & Improved Daily Shit Thread

I purchased a rotiserrie chicken from Costco which I am slowly devouring at the moment.

Those bastards and their annual membership dues are a kick to in the balls. I go to checkout with some white tees, khaki shorts, 1 chicken, and a box of 52 razors, bill comes out to $114. :zombie:
part of the reason humanity is such a "disaster" is because more or less functional people sit around making up excuses not to reproduce while everyone they hate is popping out babies left and right. in a few generations they'll be the only ones around and things will be even more screwed up, way to go guys :(

if "more or less functional" people are incapable of getting off their ass & landing a partner with which to reproduce, how functional are they?
if "more or less functional" people are incapable of getting off their ass & landing a partner with which to reproduce, how functional are they?

yeah, not very, but a lot of the people who say stuff like I'M NEVER GOING TO BRING A CHILD INTO THIS CRUEL WORLD are perfectly capable of doing this. it's not that i don't understand why they might feel this way, but it just strikes me as silly, like a man who complains day after day that the barren plot of land outside his window is ugly yet refuses to plant flowers because they might wilt or be trampled.
yeah, not very, but a lot of the people who say stuff like I'M NEVER GOING TO BRING A CHILD INTO THIS CRUEL WORLD are perfectly capable of doing this. it's not that i don't understand why they might feel this way, but it just strikes me as silly, like a man who complains day after day that the barren plot of land outside his window is ugly yet refuses to plant flowers because they might wilt or be trampled.

Please dont make such a ridiculously simplistic analogy. :lol:
The World Is So Good That Who Made It Doesn't Live Here. Good album.

Anyway, I don't find the world nearly shitty enough for it to prevent me from having children, since most normal people can cope with things beyond their control.
Animals >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Humans (this must be the 6467563x Ive said this on RC :loco:)
I think Nad would agree. :cool:

part of the reason humanity is such a "disaster" is because more or less functional people sit around making up excuses not to reproduce while everyone they hate is popping out babies left and right. in a few generations they'll be the only ones around and things will be even more screwed up, way to go guys :(
Oh yeah, all these parents that think that their child will be superman and save the world from all evil. Yeah, right. :rolleyes: Like it makes any difference if the children's parents are smart and raise their child well, it'll still leave a ton of crap along the way. But hey, if you think this world rocks and your offspring will make it even better, go ahead and make babies (and find a woman to carry them out for you) - if you can: