Hot damn we've lost alot of good posters in 1 year. New & Improved Daily Shit Thread

:lol: @ The last 2 posts. Awesome.

MFJ, you have the most amusing drug related stories. Take a road trip to Grand Haven and bring a suit case ala Fear and Loathing.
this thread just got the zazz it needed

I spend as much time with my nephew as I possibly can (which isn't much right now since he's living with his mother in Indiana, I won't see him again until June). Before that, I hate kids and decided then that I would never have one. Now I plan on having one, at some point in my life, when I'm actually settled down and in a stable, committed relationship. Which probably means not in the next 10-15 years.

I hear this argument alot. "Spend time with kids and you will want one of your own"

I am at the stage that I will probably want one of my own very soon. There comes a time where you can only do so much for yourself. I still have a lot to fulfill in my life but I would like someone to do it for, besides just for my own needs.

Deep down I think all of us believe that our kids can do better than we did/do in life. However that "better" is defined in everyones private world.

My aunt and uncle decided not to have kids by choice when they were young and am not so sure they were happy about their choice in their later years.

Personally having a child I know would really kick my ass in high gear as far as responsibility is concerned ... otherwise existence is kind of selfish.
i don't know ... maybe i developed this feeling lately ... but I think if life is wonderous to you ... it is something that is meant to be passed on ... its ups and downs will always be there no matter who you are.