

Jul 9, 2007
London, ON, Canada
i fuckin love this band, there music there instrument, i have there full album, and all there solos r not guitar, its all hurdy gurdy or fluets or violin etc....

thats there video clip, have fun!!!!!!!!!! :rock::rock::rock::kickass::kickass::kickass:
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Yeah great band.
I missed them in the Pagan Fest a few months ago, I was so annoyed.

I like the vocals. The only thing the singer should change is his dreadlocks... he should straighten that shit out, its stupid.
I like Eluvetie, they are the main reason why we drove to Barther fest this summer.
One of the member I think is also part of Folkearth ... a very impressive band which surpisingly enough has gotten better with every album.

As for Myrkgrav, I really enjoy their (his I think it's more of a solo band) first album. I do think the guy borrowed a lot of sound from the early Vintersorg albums.
Not a fan of the vocals at all; haven't been for a long time, probably won't be for still a great while. Still though, good band; right now though my attention is focused on Gåte.

Kidding aside, I am digging most of the bands you guys dropped here. That Myrkgrav is pretty far out, but it's an interesting vibe. Kinda looking like it's starting to be the in thing, better become cool before the kids get into it. :lol:
Eluveitie are an amazing band, one of my all-time favorite folk metal bands. I wish I could see 'em live, but I doubt they're coming over to the states anytime soon.

I agree with a couple of other people, though. The original vocalist on Vên (the demo) isn't really that great. But the new one, despite is dumb dreads, I think is excellent.
Eluveitie are an amazing band, one of my all-time favorite folk metal bands. I wish I could see 'em live, but I doubt they're coming over to the states anytime soon.

I agree with a couple of other people, though. The original vocalist on Vên (the demo) isn't really that great. But the new one, despite is dumb dreads, I think is excellent.

Ahh I didnt know they were two diffrent guys. I still wish they'd get rid of him though. This band could benefit highly from good clean vocals.