email an archconservative friend sent me in response to my reaction to the Osama tape


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
Whenever I'm tempted to regard you as a decent if confused little boy, I'll remember this utterly amoral reaction of yours.

Your natural reaction is to treat bin Laden as merely some candidate challenging the president with a clever riposte, rather than the sworn enemy of your country and admitted murderer of 3000 of your fellow citizens. Your reaction is the jokey equivalent of Nazi sympathizing during the start of WWII.

I can think of no one I personally know who has behaved in a more
contemptible way than you since September 11, 2001.

You think nothing of feeding your country's enemies with propaganda material. Not even a pause. You seek rhetorical alliance with a medieval genocidal fascist so long as it makes your president look bad. I'm sure you loved bin Laden's "My Pet Goat" reference, too.

And then your cheerlead for our enemy's ongoing evasion ("If there is a God and He loves Americans, He will occlude bin Laden from Pakistani and US Special Forces for just three more days. Just three days."). Because it makes your president look bad.

Maybe others regard your comments as a joke, astonishing but harmless.
I don't. I think you are despicable.

"If you hamper the war effort of one side you automatically help that of the other. Nor is there any real way of remaining outside such a war as the present one. In practice, 'he that is not with me is against me'. The idea that you can somehow remain aloof from and superior to the struggle, while living on food which British sailors have to risk their lives to bring you, is a bourgeois illusion bred of money and security. ...

"What I object to is the intellectual cowardice of people who are
objectively and to some extent emotionally pro-Fascist, but who don't care to say so and take refuge behind the formula 'I am just as anti-fascist as anyone, but—'. The result of this is that so-called peace propaganda is just as dishonest and intellectually disgusting as war propaganda. Like war propaganda, it concentrates on putting forward a 'case', obscuring the opponent's point of view and avoiding awkward questions. The line normally followed is 'Those who fight against Fascism go Fascist themselves.'" (George Orwell, "Pacifism and the War")

You are objectively pro-terrorist, worthless as a citizen, shameless as a person.
Jesus, and this guy is your friend?

Seriously though, as I see it, the OBL tape means one of two things. Either he was being completely candid (maybe for the first time), or it was a clever ruse to cause further dissent among the doubting portion of the public. But ultimately, his motives aren't important (personally, I believe the former). What is important is the fact that we're in this position in the first place, and have more than enough just cause to doubt ourselves, our motives, and our leaders.

When the most wanted criminal in the world, who has killed thousands of our citizens, is making more sense than our own president, something is seriously wrong.

Oh, I wish the gung-ho war supporters would quit pulling that Orwell essay out of their collective pockets. WWII was a completely different war, against an enemy who really did "hate freedom". Funny how they never bring up 1984 when discussing our own system.

But yeah, what did you say?
I know who wrote that, and I know that he is the most pompous blowhard i have ever been in even perfunctory contact with. He has this amazing way of amplifying disagreements against him to the most horrid egregious anti-american heights. In this way he's an example, to me, of what is infuriating about political discourse.
This e-mail was in response to a single-line post I made (which he quotes):

"If there is a God and He loves Americans, He will occlude bin Laden from Pakistani and US Special Forces for just three more days. Just three days."
after my response ("This is the most amazing email I've ever received and I shall be sending it round to my friends" or something), I was attacked for having to pass a global test before my "group mentality" friends decided what I thought.