Osama attacks on US.

Count_Filth said:
Fuch yea! Wouldn't want it any other way.

"Fuch yea!" ?? Hahahah.. Oh lord.

Anyway, I'm sure we've all thought this before " Why can't we just bloody FIND Osama and kill him?!" I don't understand why we haven't been able to find him, and I know there will continue to be terrorism, but to a less powerful degree, no?

Sorry if I sound really ignorant, I don't know much about this...
Susperia said:
"Fuch yea!" ?? Hahahah.. Oh lord.

Anyway, I'm sure we've all thought this before " Why can't we just bloody FIND Osama and kill him?!" I don't understand why we haven't been able to find him, and I know there will continue to be terrorism, but to a less powerful degree, no?

Sorry if I sound really ignorant, I don't know much about this...

I'm pretty sure, this whole situation is leading up to mass population control, and there are people behind the scenes manipulating honest hard working people in government and citizens to achieve this agenda.

This ex government remote viewer 'Major Ed Dames" who was the head of the millitary's remote viewing devision, and trainer of other remote viewers, had predicted that if America goes to war with Iran, it will spread the American forces so thin, that a Country like China may use this opportunity to do some bad things (like invade taiwan). Not only that, but it leaves America quite vunerable to other terror like attacks.
Silver Incubus said:
if America goes to war with Iran, it will spread the American forces so thin, that a Country like China may use this opportunity to do some bad things (like invade taiwan). Not only that, but it leaves America quite vunerable to other terror like attacks.

China, today and in the near future, would never go to war with America. We are her biggest customer and the driving force behind their current booming economy. Without, their market is lost.

With that said, they WILL be competing with the US, Russia, India and to a lesser extent, Japan and the EU for the world's oil supply in the not-too-distant future. I do expect things to turn ugly in the latter half of this century.
Susperia said:
Why can't we just bloody FIND Osama and kill him?!" I don't understand why we haven't been able to find him, and I know there will continue to be terrorism, but to a less powerful degree, no?

Two schools of thought concerning OBL today:

- we dont want him. To kill him makes him a martyr. To capture and try him makes him a rock star. He has already has the radicals in his pocket; we do not want the mass exposure of the most famous trial in history to drive thousands of more disaffected Muslim youth into his camp (pun intended)

- he's believed to be hiding in the lawless, ungoverened regions of Pakistan. We have no authority there as even Mushareff (sp?) has little to no authority there. Basically, it's the "old west". Furthermore, the Pakistan govt is an ally (or so they portray themselves as being one) but the people are NOT. It would not be in Mushareff's political interests to go againt the wants of the populace and turn OBL over to America. And since he, too, has nukes, America cant threaten him too much.
Yeah! Let's go fight the Israeli's battles for them! Israel is so cool! The $5billion a year the US gives Israel is no where near enough!
Norsemaiden said:
Yeah! Let's go fight the Israeli's battles for them! Israel is so cool! The $5billion a year the US gives Israel is no where near enough!

You think it's $5 billion? I think it's a lot higher!

Personally I think the tape is fake, just like the Niger documents and the WMD in Iraq AND Iran.
The Bringer said:
Well I remember them saying they have the right to nuclear power but not nuclear weapons.

But again, if Isael has over 200 nuclear missiles, why can't their neighbours?

Isreal has the most advanced weapon systems on the planet next to the U.S. I support the war in Iraq, hell I'm going to fight in it. I do strongly disagree with nuclear warfare. If we nuke anybody, someone will get pissed and nuke us back. We don't have the technology to stop multiple nukes at the same time so we would be screwed. China should always remain a strong ally with the U.S. because they both depend on each other. I agree that things could get ugly in the future as far as oil goes. They "say" we are running low, but always manage to find 34 zillion barrels under a pebble in Alaska so I don't thing we will run out soon. Plus, oil is created by the decomposition of animals and plants. It takes thousands of years, but it still replenishes, and alternative power is starting to gain some momentum so I think we will be alright.
Why do you support this absolutely useless war about absolutely nothing?

Do you know what is happening over there? Millions upon millions of barrels of unaccounted for oil is being streamed into surrounding countries so the neo-cons can sell it and make billions of dollars while you and all your friends die for them.
Devildog11887 said:
They "say" we are running low, but always manage to find 34 zillion barrels under a pebble in Alaska so I don't thing we will run out soon. Plus, oil is created by the decomposition of animals and plants. It takes thousands of years, but it still replenishes, and alternative power is starting to gain some momentum so I think we will be alright.

Do a search on "Peak Oil" or "Hubbert's Peak".

If the impending scarcity of oil was not an issue as "they" say, we'd not have ventured into Iraq at all. Oil is - and will continue to be - the bane of America.
The Bringer said:
But again, if Isael has over 200 nuclear missiles, why can't their neighbours?

Philosophically speaking, I agree.
Logically speaking, however, the idea of a radical Islamist nation possessing nukes is worrisome.
In the god ol' days, the West had less to fear with the Sovs - and vice versa - as both nations were, ultimately, lead to clear thinking, rational people.

Most fundamentalists, however, are neither clear thinkers or rational. Since they generally welcome death and not fear it, the bar is raised.
Devildog11887 said:
Isreal has the most advanced weapon systems on the planet next to the U.S. I support the war in Iraq, hell I'm going to fight in it. I do strongly disagree with nuclear warfare. If we nuke anybody, someone will get pissed and nuke us back. We don't have the technology to stop multiple nukes at the same time so we would be screwed. China should always remain a strong ally with the U.S. because they both depend on each other. I agree that things could get ugly in the future as far as oil goes. They "say" we are running low, but always manage to find 34 zillion barrels under a pebble in Alaska so I don't thing we will run out soon. Plus, oil is created by the decomposition of animals and plants. It takes thousands of years, but it still replenishes, and alternative power is starting to gain some momentum so I think we will be alright.

Proof positive that one either is unlucky (signing up for the armed forces before the Iraqi war) or just ignorant--in Devil Dog's case, to actually fight in this war. I suppose we can all wait for decomposition to occur--thats quite the feasible idea.

And Israel is our no. 1 enemy. Let's face it. I wont say how I know this person, but said person who I am connected to, and who is top civilian grade in Army intelligence, will tell you, that the Israelis steal all of our info and technology (there was just mention of a NSA agent selling info to the Israelis) they do not listen to us, and even worse, they make all of our efforts in the Middle East, untenable in the eyes of arabs. Having said that, I have no problems with Jews, only Israel's policies. Sure the Arabs had their horrific failures with Assad, Nasser, the Pan Arab movement, etc etc. But Israel is a thorn in our side, that we support.
because by going there I can see for myself. I have heard every story about how it's about oil and it's about this and that. One of my good friends has been to Iraq three times now, and he will tell you it's not about oil. Alot of it may seem that way, but the main reason we are over there is because Iraq needed a democratic government. All of the soldiers havn't been killed in oil feilds or near oil refineries, they have died on roads going to cities and in cities. How would you feel if you went to McDonalds and somebody randomly walked up to you and blew themselves up? If the shit that was happening over there was happening in America, everyone would sing a different tune.
Ya I agree that Oil is somewhere in the mix, but we are mainly trying to help them set up a free country. The shit that Hussein did to his people will make you throwup if you saw it, and America under the Monroe doctorine is obligated to help countries that are being oppressed by a communist dictator if they ask for it. We are going to be over there for a while, but mainly just helping Iraq set up their own military. Now the situations in North Korea and Isrieal are alot different.
Devildog11887 said:
because by going there I can see for myself. I have heard every story about how it's about oil and it's about this and that. One of my good friends has been to Iraq three times now, and he will tell you it's not about oil. Alot of it may seem that way, but the main reason we are over there is because Iraq needed a democratic government. All of the soldiers havn't been killed in oil feilds or near oil refineries, they have died on roads going to cities and in cities. How would you feel if you went to McDonalds and somebody randomly walked up to you and blew themselves up? If the shit that was happening over there was happening in America, everyone would sing a different tune.
Ya I agree that Oil is somewhere in the mix, but we are mainly trying to help them set up a free country. The shit that Hussein did to his people will make you throwup if you saw it, and America under the Monroe doctorine is obligated to help countries that are being oppressed by a communist dictator if they ask for it. We are going to be over there for a while, but mainly just helping Iraq set up their own military. Now the situations in North Korea and Isrieal are alot different.

With all due respect, my friend, surely you must realize that economics dictates everything, right? Without oil, we wouldn't give a f*ck about Iraq, Arabia, etc.

Consider this:
- why, just days after Saddam invaded Kuwait in '90, do you think the US immediately began Operation: Desert Shield to protect Saudi Arabia? Why do you think protection of that nation was so important to the US?

- why did other nations INCLUDING France, Germany and Canada rush to join that coalition? It's blatantly obvious. The West simply could not allow for any one nation to dictate the terms of the world's oil supply.

- do you know that Bush, Cheney, Conde Rice and most of the Bush admin are major oil magnates and have previously lead energy companies? Does that not tell you something when you consider their backgrounds and their rush to war?

- there are countless nations that could benefit from a democracy. Why was Iraq chosen as opposed to say an African nation or North Korea?

- bin Laden's stated goal is the overthrow of the corrupt Saudi Royal family. His ultimate wet dream is to have an Islamist theocracy run the nation. These folks would, of course, be decidely not pro-western. Guess what happens to the price of oil if they're in charge.
Iraq is an insurance policy against the eventual coup that will take place in Arabia.

- does America really want a true democracy in any Middle Eastern land? Of course not. The possibility of a radical, anti-western government being elected is too strong. We actually DONT WANT a true democracy in the ME. It would be counterproductive.

- oil is the be-all, end-all of all of this. Period.

And it's not that the US is there to steal it...not at all. Rather, the idea is to rebuild Iraq'a oil-producing infrastructure and install a pro-west puppet government that will place the oil on the world market, and sell it to the west at market value

- finally, check your recent history. Upon entering Bahgdad, the US's FIRST priority was the seizing of the Iraqi Minsitry of Oil building and the safe-guarding of the oil pipelines. Why? We know why.
Devildog11887 said:
because by going there I can see for myself. I have heard every story about how it's about oil and it's about this and that. One of my good friends has been to Iraq three times now, and he will tell you it's not about oil. Alot of it may seem that way, but the main reason we are over there is because Iraq needed a democratic government. All of the soldiers havn't been killed in oil feilds or near oil refineries, they have died on roads going to cities and in cities. How would you feel if you went to McDonalds and somebody randomly walked up to you and blew themselves up? If the shit that was happening over there was happening in America, everyone would sing a different tune.
Ya I agree that Oil is somewhere in the mix, but we are mainly trying to help them set up a free country. The shit that Hussein did to his people will make you throwup if you saw it, and America under the Monroe doctorine is obligated to help countries that are being oppressed by a communist dictator if they ask for it. We are going to be over there for a while, but mainly just helping Iraq set up their own military. Now the situations in North Korea and Isrieal are alot different.

This post is rhetoric. Not an ounce of individual thought in it. It always amazes me how naive and uninformed people going into the military or watch Fox news, are.

You truly believe we went to Iraq to bring democracy to the middle east? You surely cannot be that naive. If this was the case, then why have we overturned a number of the democratic elections when we didnt like the results? Why did we wait almost three years before we even staged the elections? And thus, since the elections have been decided in a democratic fashion: why not leave now if this is the purpose of the war. Mission accomplished.

And following upon this logic, surely we have a moral imperative to attack quite a number of countries that oppress, kil their own people and torture (including our own). Hence, we should be in seventy five percent of African Countries, North Korea, China, Kazakhistan, Russia--the little Checnya problem, Serbia, Yemen, Libya, Algeria, Syria, Turkey, Sri Lanka, shall I go on? But wait, we used to support many of these regimes! And we used to support Hussein as an ally even when he gassed thousands of his citizens.

Come on man.

The Monroe Doctrine only included the Western Hemisphere, and it was basically ineffectual except for Central America, where our constant military incursions and meddling, has created many a dictatorship, and such a degree of unfreedom, that residents of said countries flee to America--which is deliciously ironic.

Look I could go on here forever. The most telling example of the idiocy of this war, is the fact that Bush and his advisors apparently never consulted anyone knowledgable (not even his father) on the Arabic world--and thus didnt understand the religious and philosophical obstacles.
Devildog11887 said:
The shit that Hussein did to his people will make you throwup if you saw it, and America under the Monroe doctorine is obligated to help countries that are being oppressed by a communist dictator if they ask for it. We are going to be over there for a while, but mainly just helping Iraq set up their own military. Now the situations in North Korea and Isrieal are alot different.

What's communism have to do with Hussein?
SoundMaster said:
What's communism have to do with Hussein?

The guy really needs to crack a history book, or read anything about basic American foreign policy over the last fifty years.

What you really need to do Devil Dog, is talk to someone from the Middle East, and let them tell you what is going on.

God I read just yesterday, that still to this day, there is less electricity and oil produced now, than there was after the quick conclusion of the war. Some rebuiliding job.