Email Request For songs...


Major Rager...!
Apr 17, 2001
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Hey gang....

I know everyones sick about hearing how i cant access any ill skip that part.... :)

Virus' ftp is a brilliant idea and all...but my line must be farked cause its taking like hours and hours to get anywhere on it.... and a lot of the files arent on there yet....... Its not your fault virus....ya doin an excellent job dude and wed all be farked without ya help......

Its just my cpu and lines are cactus......

So.... in the coming days... if everyone is ok with it... i want to update myself with everyone elses mixes.... Ill just send individual emails to whoever it concerns and ask if u can email me certain songs/mixes..... Ill do one at a time though.... Its just im missing out on everyone elses fruits and im dying to hear em all.....

If anyone needs a file splitter to break the mp3's to smaller file fragments to allow emails...just drop me a message and ill send one over....

Hope no-one minds to much... i know emailing sux when uploading somewhere is avail....


Dude, for me email is the best!

My firewall prevents me from doing just about anything concerning FTP. And my email sizes are limited, but with file splitting its as easy as cake....
Medsy: I have an extremely slow connection myself. It sometimes takes me an hour or more to upload/download a relatively small file!

Uploading/downloading stuff is a pain because I have a dialup connection and it sometimes fails after a long session, and then I have to start all over!
DIAL UP Connection??!? DIAL UP connection!??

Bleah! No wonder you are picky about what you upload/download.

No DSL/Cable Modem service availabe in your area? Its almost a must in the IMG!
I never had much of a need for a faster connection until I joined the IMG!:lol: Eventually I'll have to get a better setup, but for now I have to stick with what I've got.
Originally posted by rabies
DIAL UP Connection??!? DIAL UP connection!??

Bleah! No wonder you are picky about what you upload/download.

No DSL/Cable Modem service availabe in your area? Its almost a must in the IMG!

I can't get broadband in my area :( Australia is a little behind the times you know. 14k modems are still the best technology :lol: