Email Virus Gaylords

yah ..there's a virus called myDoom (for proper doomster heheh) spreaded through emails these days. It infects explorer.exe which is the windows shell (always runs at the background on yer windows box). That makes it very dangerous. However there's a cure ..for more details read the following

oh yeah ..if you're agaiinst Microsoft i suggest you keep it to your system, as all the computers that have this virus, will launch an attack to at the 3rd of February. :headbang:
Yeah, it's the new trend.
Someone sent me a MyDoom infected mail today. Beware of all e-mails from unknown users and which contain attached files be it .zip or .whatever. Mine was only 30ko but still it was infected. I have no anti-virus but hotmail's one is pretty good. if you're suspicious about an e-mail, forward it to an hotmail address and if it's MyDoom infected, hotmail will detect it.

It is said that 1/3 of all european e-mails are MyDoom infected :erk:
If you get a Mydoom virus from a buddy its that he is infected with it, I'm sure that some of you know bout this, but for those who don't just tell yer poor buddy.
lets hope they find a proper solution for spamming..oh well
cheers all.
The problem with mydoom is that the virus isn´t using your email-address when it sent itself to someone in your address-book. I got an email with a warning that I sent the virus to someone, but it actually never reached my comp... ;)

Just stop using this piece of crap-software called Outlook.:puke:

But the most ridiculous thing is that the first version of mydoom wasn´t smart it needed the user to execute the attachement... So it is more or less a user problem and one of Mici-soft.
Achernar said:
Virus creators are no-life cuntheads. period. I get about 100 of these emails daily. I saw let's stick their keyboards up their arses. They go too far the fuckers. :loco:

not encouraging or defending virus but, instead of getting them to infect your explorer.exe, they could get it to write ZERO's to your hard disk.... now thats some nasty shit, and its not hard to do... :erk:
Allan said:
Time to quote Orwell again, I understand how, but not why?

i dont know, if i was to write a virus, and get it to infect lets say 1,000,000 computers, and then, get the virus to destroy that many hard disks, well..... if i was caught, i wouldn like to pay for them all, or the data that they used to hold :)
oh, just because you can, probably to show off your computer skills to other nerds. i dont exactly know why, maybe its the feeling of power over so many other computers in the world, and the fact that you could control them/ use them/ steal info off them/ use them to over power other computers, and that you could destroy them all. who knows???