Email Virus Gaylords

Mick Moss said:
Has anyone else been getting carpet-bombed by strange emails carrying a 180kb attatchment? Im getting 2 or 3 a day now

swhy i use a MAC yo. we are so isignificant that no one bothers to write virus for us. but i would like to think that we are just too kewl to write them for ourselves so we write them for windoze users. so probably like what, 7 outta 10 viruses for windoze is written by a mac user. dont i wish? just wish the colateral damage wasnt so bad, i mean i dont blame people for buying pcs any more than i blame them for listening to pop music, the easy cheap way out eh? we need an inside man in microsoft to plant the virus there and then be done with the idiocy.

bah, on a lighter note...bummer you guys have to look over your shoulder so much, buy a MAC.
What I've been thinking is that some of the most dangerous viruses were made by anti-virus companies. Cos when everyone's safe and there's nothing really dangerous around, they don't sell anything. But with new viruses naive people rush to stores and get their Norton anti virus thingie. Well, I'm probably completely wrong, I dunno anything about viruses and that.
i believe that theory though, there were these 'hot sex teens' grey screen pop ups on my mates computer, and then minutes later you got these anti-grey screen pop ups advertising ...