Embarrassing Moments...

Battle of the Bands a couple years ago, before I was playing guitar in Dumah, we we're actually a 5 piece called Self Embalming Methods, and I was the vocalist. I got up on stage, and at the beginning of the first song I went to jump and I fell flat on my ass!! The stage was real small, and I'd managed to trip on some fucking cords! I doubt I'll ever live it down! :cool: Am I cool or what? ;) :lol:
Originally posted by Tony
Walking into the ladies at bedford was probably the most embarrasing moment of my life :lol:

alright alright. enough with that one already.

last time i trust you where to go for the male loos. LOL!!!

good job there was no one in it..... could ave been interesting :s
amusing -
gotta say - my worst time was when i first went out for a drink with lakis and laura last year . theres me trying to make them think im cool ( no comments !!) and then i not only knock over a drink - i also kick lauras dinner over the floor!!!!!!!
hmmm - i still get comments about that -
i just wanted to go home at that point!!!!!

arghhhh :cry: :cry: :eek:
i was playing in a band [called vicious cirkill], and we were playing a pretty big show, at a decent size venue (megadeth, slayer, yngwie have played there...), and we were ending our set with a raining blood/seasons in the abyss medley, and during the beginning of seasons... it kind of fell apart... our drummer just stopped. he said his monitors cut out, so we just blame him. that was quite embarrasing :) (but still funny, i can laugh about that all the time) hehe
O...kay, confession time, lol.

Only one tho...

Well first of all, once he had taken his make-up off he WAS a bit of a minger...












Worst bit was, I found out the next day(ahem)


Oooops, (this was 2 years ago btw)
Well my most embarresing moment happend years ago when i was a kid i had a dirty mag and got a bit horny well i decided i just had to you know 'Play tug a war with cyclops' so i opend the mag and went to it there i was in full flow when all of a sudden a voice said

"Excuse me you gonna buy that mag!"

ah thank you thank you yes this is a joke....
well the worst one was she looked great untill makeup came off then i foun out her age, I'll let you guess at that:loco: and tell you if you are right