Embarrassing Moments...

I'm feeling a bit bored, so I'll invade this forum for a while. :)

Most embarassing thing that has happened to me (of the ones that I can actually remember) was my band's first (and last) gig. We played for about 30mins, 3 songs of our own and 4 covers, if I remember right. We hadn't practised nearly enough, so our drummer was way off from the others and our bassist hardly knew the songs! Our guitarist and I (throat) were the ones who somewhat knew what we were supposed to play. At least almost.

During the 4th song, Sepultura's Refuse/Resist, the axeman had to play a solo. He was so nervous, that when he pushed the foot pedal to change distortion to wah, he accidentally put it to acoustic and almost muted the whole guitar. He didn't even notice! I had to sneak there and change it to what it should've been. And the song was quite a duckup in general.

5th song went well, Motorhead's Orgasmatron, but it was the song we had played with every band we had had, and in every practise sessions.

6th song, Sepultura's Territory, was quite a duckup too. Again, our bassist didn't really know what to play because he didn't really know how the song had to be played. Also, I forgot the lyrics to at least on verse, and insted of growling anything that would've made any sense, I just made some noises to the mic.

7th song, Maiden's Trooper. Oh boy, drummer didn't even know we were supposed to play that. We had a guest guitarist to do the solos, and we had played the song 2 (yes, TWO) times total. I forgot the second verse completely, and again replaced the lyrics with unintellibible growls. After the solos, someone stopped playing, thinking that the song ended. I was just starting to shout to the mic when everyone stopped. I just looked at our guest on stage, and he started the outro.

Needless to say, we vanished from the stage quite fast. Of course there were other duckups too, but this post is too long already. Haven't played in front of an audience more than two times since then. And those were our music class performaces in our school's christmas thingamo.