

New Metal Member
Apr 30, 2004
Their website still exists and it says something about a reunion of the band a new album to be released in 2005!? It's almost 2007 and so far, no album. In fact, there isn't any news about them at all. They haven't updated their site for a long time and it's really starting to bug me. Atleast they should update fans whether they are still alive or not. If anyone knows any new information about the band, whether they are still around and it's taking them a whole bunch of time to make a new album, if they are still around under a new band name and they've just forgotten their to update their website, or they aren't around at all! I need to know....please anyone with information, update this thread and give me some information, thanks.

Embraced split up after the release of ``Within`` in 2000 but re-united in 2004.

That is just taken from the archives... says they are actve