

untruly evil
Dec 19, 2002
Gardenian... this is one of my favorite bands and the band that got me into real good music... METAL!!!!!!

You shuld give them a listen, they are quiete good, some kind of Melodic Death Metal. Really cool.

But i haven't heard any news from them in a long time. I think they have a new vocalist :confused: and i'm sure there is a new bass player.
The website its offline so there is no source of information.

Does anyone of you know something about them??? Maybe the people from Sweeden could give me some information. I would really apreciate any info.


...ehh.. sorry about the spell...
Originally posted by CONCLAVE OBSCURUM
Well.. yeah, i have that album:waah: . I don't listen to it that much, i don't think its a good album, but i don't think it sux..

Anyway... check their most recent stuff:rock:... that's a LOT better thatn Two Feet Stand:spin:

oh, i have. i've heard about half of each album. i just can't find either of those 2 albums around here!! and oddly enough, i did find Two Feet Stand:err::s
Originally posted by CONCLAVE OBSCURUM
damn.. you did find two feet stand??? It tooke me like 3 months to get it over the internet.

yea. local metal store. it was $14. only the 10 track version, but still. odd he doesn't have the other 2 :s