EMG 18v mod


New Metal Member
Mar 1, 2006
Anyone installed the 18v mod in thier 85? Just wondering if it made much of a difference?:err:
badchi said:
Anyone installed the 18v mod in thier 85? Just wondering if it made much of a difference?:err:

I believe this has been covered a handful of times. I would say to use the search function, but numbers don't work on it. If I'm not mistaken, the people that have tried it said that it made a little difference, like more headroom or something...I don't remember exactly. It wouldn't hurt to just try it though...get out your soldering iron and attach a second $0.40 battery clip, get a little $1 9v battery, and see how it sounds to you.

Genius...I agree, lately there's been a TON of threads talking about mods...even my own thread of completely tricking out my new Rhoads V, lol. I think a lot of people are just getting tired of the same old shit. I know I am.

The 18v mod does make a difference, but it's not great. I noticed it more with my 81 than with my new 85. It pretty much just gives you a little more headroom. I noticed that it really makes a difference when running into my POD, but it's a 'Bad' difference, not good. The 18volt thing does miracles for bass EMG's though....
^^^^^ that's what I remember. A little more headroom, and that it wasn't that big of a deal. I personally wouldn't try it, I'm quite content with how all of my EMG equipped guitars perform. More hassle than it's worth, as they say.

I love my 18v mod. Not a terribly huge difference with distortions, but for clean sounds, I can't imagine not having it. EMGs are designed to be close to the strings, and with a guitar set up that way, a hard pick attack tends to drive the onboard preamp into distortion (that's nasty unintended distortion, not good distortion). Sounds similar to overdriving a preamp on a console, which is not generally the most pleasant thing to hear. The 18v mod takes care of that completely, and all my EMG pickups sound absolutely pristine now when clean, and just as brutal as before when driving a 5150 hard.