emg 18v mod and vetta2


May 20, 2010
the UM search came up with no results for the 18v mod.

is running the 18v mod with emg 808s going to have any adverse affect on my vetta 2?

ive found all sorts of reports about the 18v mod. some say greatly increased output, other say not so increased output. only one who said it fried his pickups out of everyone who did it.

better to ask the experts ;)

The 18v mod doesn't necessarily increase actual output, it just removes the clipping "ceiling" and allows the very highest peaks to go a little higher than they would at 9v. It's not going to be like pumping nuclear-powered mega electricity straight into your amp, just a very slight increase in headroom.

You'd only run into problems if your amps pre-amps stage has too little headroom to handle the peaks, which is very unlikely for anything built after 1901 ;)
it made such a difference that i could turn down the global treble i usually have set at max...
yeah, 18v mod makes it sound alot better in terms of both clean and distorted sounds, less clipping/compressed and more dynamic.
I just got an 81, damn you sneap forum people making me do everything you say! :mad:

Also how is the battery usage when doing the 18v? Does it drain equal power from both batteries (meaning you'd use 2 batteries on a 1 battery lifetime)? I'm no good with electronics.