EMG 81 and EMG 60 - Need your feedback.

Fox Mulder

The Truth Is Out There
Jan 22, 2009
Dhaka, Bangladesh

So I've got 81 for the bridge and 60 for the neck. Mine's got that 'Quick Connect' option meaning that you can swap the pickups without pulling out the wires.

I'd be glad to know these:

1. Can I swap the 60 to the bridge and 81 to the neck without loosing sleep over schematics? Would it be safe?

2. Is there anyone out here using 60s on the bridge? How do you like it there?

Thanks and belated Merry Christmas to you all.
Yes to the first question.

Question 2... I've tried... don't really like it. The 60 is a bit too bright for me for a bridge pickup. It's got this kinda single-coily attack that I don't really quite dig. i prefer the 81 or the 85 in the bridge, personally.
Yes to the first question.

Question 2... I've tried... don't really like it. The 60 is a bit too bright for me for a bridge pickup. It's got this kinda single-coily attack that I don't really quite dig. i prefer the 81 or the 85 in the bridge, personally.

I can understand why it may sound bright, but isn't it supposed to be a bit more meaty than the 81? I'm on Standard D btw :D

I used this pickup combo in an Ibanez prestige s series for all the solos on the latest I am abomination record. Loved it

I can understand why it may sound bright, but isn't it supposed to be a bit more meaty than the 81? I'm on Standard D btw :D
Maybe... If there is more meat, there's not really TONS more. Not that big of a difference down in the lows as there is with the 85.

More than the brightness, it's the voicing of the pickup that kinda stood out to me more. It's kinda... clanky. I mean, it's not bad or anything. It still sounds like an EMG, but out of the three, (81, 85, and 60), it's the one that I like the least in the bridge position.

It's an easy swap, tho, so there's no harm in trying it yourself. Maybe you'll dig it. :D
I used an emg 81 in the bridge in the past but ended up switching it out with the 85 eventually. I like it a bunch. I have it in an Ibanez with a mahogany body with a maple top. The 81 had way to much high end for this guitar.