EMG 85 vs. 81 Sound Clips (by me)


Kazrog, Inc.
Mar 6, 2002
James has requested that I post these for you guys to hear. At NAMM, James first recommended to me that I switch from an EMG 81 to an EMG 85 in the bridge position of my guitar, as he has recommended in threads on this board before.

At any rate, here's the clips (they're very short but high quality mp3s):

EMG 81
EMG 85

This is in an ESP LTD MH 400NT guitar through a TS808 reissue and POD XT Live. The settings for both clips are identical (I did them within minutes of each other, with the same strings!)

I've also posted a rough demo of a new song I'm working on that uses the 85 in all 4 guitar tracks.
Just heard the clips and the demo.

I really like the demo, specially those sounds at the intro, how did u make 'em?

Well, regarding the pickups... I feel that the 81 lacks lows but, it shows more mids and a bit more highs. On the other hand the 85 sounds great but lacks a bit of mids, it kinda sounds a bit muddy to me. I still prefer the 81. How will an 81 sound in the neck pos? I've seen many ESP's loaded with 81's on both positions, kinda lika Kirk Hammett does.
Just heard the clips and the demo.

I really like the demo, specially those sounds at the intro, how did u make 'em?

Well, regarding the pickups... I feel that the 81 lacks lows but, it shows more mids and a bit more highs. On the other hand the 85 sounds great but lacks a bit of mids, it kinda sounds a bit muddy to me. I still prefer the 81. How will an 81 sound in the neck pos? I've seen many ESP's loaded with 81's on both positions, kinda lika Kirk Hammett does.

Thanks! The beginning is actually my friend playing a Music Man bass through NI Guitar Rig, believe it or not (it's a little sloppy and I want to get a cleaner take of it soon.) We were just messing with Guitar Rig and this idea came out of it!

The 81 sounds OK in the neck position. I think I may swap it out for an 89 at some point (which is an 85 with a push-pull pot to split the coil.) Again, James' suggestion. :)

The 85 has mids and highs for days, it just has some nice low end too. This particular patch on my POD, which I like quite a bit, cuts the highs slightly and mids quite a bit. I like a scooped sound. But if you don't want a scooped sound, I can cut a track for you guys with more mids to show you the versatility of the 85. I just feel it's a better pickup all around.
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
By the way, the demo mp3 sounds awesome ! Great sound, the low end is very very good, how did you record the bass ?

Thanks! Dude, you have to be kidding about the bass - there's only bass on about 1/2 the song for one thing (my friend never finished his tracks that night) and it's run straight into my 828 mk II interface! I am going to pick up a Sans Amp Bass Driver soon for recording bass direct. I used to have one and I loved it, but my ex-bassist hated it, so I sold it, thinking that I would never use it.

The bass is a Music Man bass and it naturally sounds great, and I put an LA2A compressor and some EQ on it, so it's not terrible, and it covers the frequency range alright, but lacks articulation IMO.
Sounds good Kazrog! I just installed the 85 in the bridge of my RG. Here is a quick rough track. RG is on the left. Link might die fast. If so I will repost later. I know this is rough so please ignore the sloppy playing and rough mix and master.

Edit: Oh yeah thats the 81 clean at the neck too, sounds really nice!!!

EMG 85 Bridge 81 Neck
evildonkeymaster - cool clip, a little more mids than me, that should shut up any naysayers ;)

Hopkins - I am very interested in that unit. I don't necesarilly care about a mid dial though and I may just get the pedal version instead.
The RBI is pretty cool, but I'm not sure if it's worth the extra cheese over the good ol' Bass DI. For live use, I like that you can get two RBI's and use a footswitch to toggle them, but for studio use you could probably just cheap out and go with the Bass DI as it's the same basic tone from what I can tell.

Having a Mid knob on the RBI is a nice upgrade, but I always seem to end up using the Bass DI with everything on 5 (except maybe the Level). In fact, someone rolled a guitar cab over my Bass DI a few years ago and broke off the High and Low knobs, so I used a pair of pliers to set them at approximately "5" and I don't even miss them!

Anyway, it just seem less "fake" to me with everything on 5. Weird.

Either way, the Sans/Bass stuff is great, esp. for making crappy bass gear sound good. I've had mixed results recording with it. Cliche as it may be, good bass tone is very much in the timing and attack of the player, not so much the gear.

Oh, and thanks for the clips, everyone! I've always been an 85/bridge 81/neck fan, m'self.
Kazrog said:
evildonkeymaster - cool clip, a little more mids than me, that should shut up any naysayers ;)

Hopkins - I am very interested in that unit. I don't necesarilly care about a mid dial though and I may just get the pedal version instead.

thanks, I agree i dial more mids into my tones and thus proof positive the 85 at the bridge is very versitile I mean you got a very nice scooped metal tone and I dialed in a warmer midrange that actualy rivals my Gibson Les Paul's 500t in mid range punch and roar.

85 at the bridge rules, thanks for the tip James! :headbang:
Kazrog said:
James has requested that I post these for you guys to hear. At NAMM, James first recommended to me that I switch from an EMG 81 to an EMG 85 in the bridge position of my guitar, as he has recommended in threads on this board before.

At any rate, here's the clips (they're very short but high quality mp3s):

EMG 81
EMG 85

This is in an ESP LTD MH 400NT guitar through a TS808 reissue and POD XT Live. The settings for both clips are identical (I did them within minutes of each other, with the same strings!)

I've also posted a rough demo of a new song I'm working on that uses the 85 in all 4 guitar tracks.
You know, the EMG 85 sound is exactly like the one I hear on 'The Gathering'.


Thank you for the clips. You may be a show off but in this instance I thank you. :)
Moonlapse said:
Yeah the 85 is definately better. Still don't like the sound of those actives though.
so what you are saying then is that you don't like the sound of Andy's productions? :err:
Heresy! prepare the stake... bring the torches!! :hotjump:

maybe you mean you just don't like playing them. yeah, i understand that.... many guys can't handle when they can actually hear with total clarity what they are actually playing :loco:
If you don't like actives you don't like the sound of Andy's Productions. = A
If you don't like passives you don't like the sound of Andy's Productions. = B

From A,B => You can't dislike actives or passives and still dig the guitar tones in Andy's productions. "Swings and roundabouts" guys, swings and roundabouts...

Personally I think both are great, but I'm currently using passive Duncans in my Jackson Rhoads.

By the way, if it's 'total clarity' and 'hearing what you are actually playing' that supposedly scares passive users when trying active EMGs, I'd like to see the horrified faces of EMG users that try an acoustic guitar :p :worship: :tickled:

I'm just kidding guys, count to ten before you flame me :wave: