EMG active, BQS and batteries


New Metal Member
Jun 12, 2010
Hello everyone.

I have an old Dean Edge Q5. I know it's not an amazing bass, but i like it's action and own sound. It comes with an active circuit to enhance bass and treble, but the EMG-HZ wich comes with it started buzzing, so i'm gonna upgrade it.

The idea is getting a 40DC, a 40CS, and a BQS system, and here comes the trouble. I don't know if i'm gonna need another battery (The bass comes with a single 9v one for the circuit) to power up the pickups, and the one that's on it to power up the BQS, or i can stand with the one I got, or I'll need even THREE of them to make a 18V for the pickups and a 9v for the BQS.

Any light?
You should be running 18v for two EMGs in there... if you put a BQS system in there, 18V will run them all

I've just replaced the active circuitry and EMG-Hzs in my LTD with two 40DCs and cut out the EQ system...
You mean you cutted out the eq of the pickups or the eq of the bass?

I mean, those pickups come with a volume and a tone, isn't it? so you cut out the tone potentiometer of the pickups?
Not yet, but i got myself a gotoh dual battery box this morning. Think i'm gonna need a dremel or something... Tho i have to make another hole.

So the setup will come like this:
Concentric volume-tone<-40DC
Concentric volume-tone<-40CS

I think the concentrics are 25k-25k with a 0.1 mF capacitor wired between 'em. Right?