greatings, i'm new to this board so spare me if i come over as a complete noob.
but i had some questions:
how are EMG hz h1's? i can buy a couple for 40 euro's (which is pretty cheap) but i was kinda wondering if buying was even worth it since everyone who gets a guitar with those things replaces them immediatly.
is the sound allright and can i buy them or do they suck and should i save up for
dimarzio's/seymours or EMG 81 or so?
and another one: i stepped into a band recently and i was kinda wondering if someone would have an idea on how we would sound best (like guitarsound/drum/basssound wise and as a whole..) here's a MP3 of a pretty old song. (which is 'okay" but still a tad so so..)
new songs are better and a tad more atmospheric (bit of immolation like) and we got a new guitarplayer (jens van der valk Ex-God Dethroned).
and HI bytheway glad to be here ive been browsing this board for along time now and the C4 settings have realy helped me allready.

but i had some questions:
how are EMG hz h1's? i can buy a couple for 40 euro's (which is pretty cheap) but i was kinda wondering if buying was even worth it since everyone who gets a guitar with those things replaces them immediatly.
is the sound allright and can i buy them or do they suck and should i save up for
dimarzio's/seymours or EMG 81 or so?
and another one: i stepped into a band recently and i was kinda wondering if someone would have an idea on how we would sound best (like guitarsound/drum/basssound wise and as a whole..) here's a MP3 of a pretty old song. (which is 'okay" but still a tad so so..)
new songs are better and a tad more atmospheric (bit of immolation like) and we got a new guitarplayer (jens van der valk Ex-God Dethroned).
and HI bytheway glad to be here ive been browsing this board for along time now and the C4 settings have realy helped me allready.